Chapter Sixty-Six

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Zara's POV

'Aunty? Go and sit down, I'll make breakfast. It's no big deal,' I say, smiling, as I walk into the kitchen the next morning.

Aunty glances towards me and smiles widely, seeing that I'm awake. "Hi, Zara! No, no! Don't worry about it, and you're still newly wed! I won't let you do any work this soon! Where's Zaid?" She replies with a gentle smile.

'Aunty, you're too much! I've been married for almost three weeks now. Time is flying by! Zaid's upstairs, he'll be here in a few minutes. He was just getting changed,' I tell her.

"Zara, babe! You look beautiful! Good morning! Morning, Mum!" I hear Hafsa call from the kitchen door.

I turn and smile at her. 'Thanks, Hafsa! Good morning! You look cute, too! Didn't you sleep well?' I laugh at her exhausted expression.

She frowns at me. "Where's that brother of mine? Tell him, I'm having a sleepover with you tonight. We were supposed to yesterday, but he..." She bursts out laughing.

I blush, shaking my head. She's so crazy, and shameless, saying this in front of Aunty. Aunty doesn't seem to mind, though. She's laughing at us, looking amused.

Crazy family.

'Aunty, you won't let me do anything else, but I'll make the tea. I'm making it! Please don't decline now,' I say, laughing. I walk further into the kitchen and start helping with tea.

"Morning, Mum! Morning, sis. Morning, Zara," I hear Zaid's voice from the doorway and I automatically blush. He has that effect on me, even nearly three weeks after our marriage.

We all say 'good morning' back to him, and he walks into the kitchen, hugging his sister and mother. When he comes over to me, I duck and escape from under his arm. I hear Hafsa laughing loudly.

'Me and Mum have our eyes closed, don't worry. Don't we, Mum?!' Hafsa sings, happily.

My cheeks burn as I glare at my dear husband, who just smirks at me.

He walks over to me and whispers, 'Why did you escape from me this morning?'

I blush harder, hitting him playfully on the chest.

Last night, I'd fallen asleep before he came to our bedroom. He wasn't thrilled, but he didn't wake me up. When I woke up this morning, I was in his arms, my face resting on his chest and my arms wrapped around him. Even our legs were entangled. I have no idea how I manage to sleep so weirdly, but it's the most comfortable position to sleep in.

He had been in 'the mood', this morning, but I'd escaped from him and run downstairs. Gosh, he looks so good. He's freshly showered, and he's wearing a pair of black tracksuit bottoms with a light grey v-neck t-shirt which clings to all his muscles.

When he sees me checking him out, he smirks. 'Let me make tea,' I mutter, glaring at him, to which he just laughs loudly. Hafsa and Aunty both look super amused, and I'm getting redder and redder by the second.

"I'll help," he says, shooting me his perfect, dazzling smile. I roll my eyes but don't say anything as he starts to help me with the easiest task in the world – making tea.


That night, we're invited to dinner at my parents' house. I take my time getting ready. I wear a mint coloured anarkali dress which is lightly embroidered, with matching leggings. I curl my hair with a large curling wand, and smile when the waves fall down my shoulders. I apply a small amount of makeup, with light pink lipstick.

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