Chapter Sixty-Three

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Zara's POV

Seeing the interior of the cottage has me awestruck. It's absolutely beautiful. My jaw drops as I take in the warm, homey feeling as we walk in through the large front door. I'm lost for words as my eyes travel over the large, beige and brown living room.

Each room in the cottage is perfect. Absolutely beautiful. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming. I could live here forever, happily. The cottage isn't too small. It's still much larger than a normal sized house.

'What do you think, beautiful?' He whispers, bringing up my hand to his lips and kissing it gently. I shiver as the feeling travels through my whole body.

"It's perfect. I love it," I whisper, gazing up at my husband with a soft smile.

The grin on his lips is breath-taking. He's so handsome. I feel my cheeks heat up as I check him out.

He smirks, pulling me close after placing the bags on the floor. 'I know I'm handsome, Mrs Malik.'

I blush deeper, slapping him playfully on the chest. He laughs and suddenly lifts me up from the ground, in his strong arms. I'm taken by surprise, but I wrap my arms around his neck to steady myself.

My cheeks are bright pink as he carries me upstairs, into a bedroom. A modern but rustic bedroom, with brown and white furniture. He places me gently onto the huge bed, and kisses me on the forehead.

'I'll go and grab our bags, and our lunch. We'll eat, rest for some time, and then we'll go out. How does that sound?' He asks, smiling.

I nod, making myself comfortable. "Great!"


We have lunch in our bedroom, on the sofas on the other side of the room. I already feel like I'm at home here, I love it so much. I wouldn't mind staying inside the cottage and not sightseeing, but we have to go. After a short nap, that is.

We both try to sleep for a couple of hours after lunch, but I'm too excited to sleep. I can't fall asleep, and I keep tossing and turning. Half an hour later, I sit up in bed.

Zaid sits up too, chuckling. 'Not tired?' He asks, smiling.

I shake my head. "Not at all. Let's go out. Or do something else. I don't want to sleep."

He smirks, coming closer to me. 'Something else, did you say? What do you have in mind?' He winks, making me blush from head to toe.

"Zaid! You're crazy," I mutter, burying my head into his shoulder.

'You really want to do something else?' He whispers, teasing.

I know exactly what he's talking about, but what am I meant to say to him in reply?

I don't say anything, I just shift closer to him, wrapping my arms around his broad back and taking in his manly, musky scent.

'Tell me, baby,' he whispers, breaking the hug slightly to gaze into my eyes.

I blush beet red as I hug him again, closer.

He chuckles softly, kissing the top of my head.

'I love you, beautiful,' he says, holding me close. Every time he tells me that he loves me, I get the best feeling in the world. It feels so damn good, and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"I love you, too," I whisper, kissing his shoulder gently.

Then, I break the hug and jump out of bed. 'I'm gonna get changed, then we'll go. Okay?' I ask, without looking at him.

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