Chapter Fifty-Two

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Zara's POV

What on earth is Zaid doing in my bedroom at this time?! And how did he get here? He couldn't have knocked on the front door, so how?!

'Hi, Zara,' he greets me, grinning at me and showing off his perfect pearly whites. His smile is dazzling.

"Z-Zaid? What are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here, you know you can't see me now before the day of our wedding! And how did you even get up here?!" I ask, dumbfounded. I have so many questions, which make him chuckle. The sound of his laughter gives me a weird, jittery feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm seeing him today after over a week, and it feels like I haven't seen him in forever. My heart is racing at a thousand beats per second, and I almost feel like placing a hand on my chest to control my racing heart.

He walks towards me, glancing at what I'm wearing. Then he smirks again, amusement clear in his eyes.

I look down at what I'm wearing, and my eyes widen in shock once more. I'm wearing one of my old loose shirts and leggings. I blush, covering my face with my hands and groaning.

Zaid laughs. 'You look beautiful, Zara. You always have so many questions for me. But I'll answer them for you. I'm here because I couldn't wait two more weeks to see you. I needed to see you now, so I came here. How did I get up here? It was difficult, I won't lie. It took me forever, climbing up the drainpipes and bricks. I fell several times, too. Thank god for the grass, otherwise it would have hurt.'

Again, my eyes are about to pop out of their sockets. "You...climbed up the pipes?! You're lying."

He chuckles, taking a step towards me. 'Look at the state of my trousers. My knees are all damp and muddy.' Sure enough, they are.

I can't believe this guy.

"Did you seriously climb up the pipes, just to see me?" Even my blush has half disappeared for the time being, because I'm so shocked.

He nods, seriously.

I frown at him, taking a seat at the edge of my bed. I pour a glass of water and hand it to him. "I should probably give you some water, so here. Even though you really shouldn't be here right now. Are you crazy?! I can't believe you."

He chuckles, walking over to me. He takes a seat on my couch, opposite me. I feel his gaze on me again, and I realise what I'm wearing. I stand up and go over to my closet, taking out a black nightgown. I put it on, making him smirk.

He drinks the water in one go, then places the empty glass on my bedside table.

'I missed you, Zara,' he says, seriously.

I blush from head to toe. "You could have told me that over text or something."

He shakes his head. 'I needed to see you.'

Why can't I control my damn blush around him?! "Okay, you've seen me. You can go now. How are you planning on going? Are you planning to climb out of my window and down the wall? You're not Spiderman!" Thank god my bedroom is at the back of the house.

He nods. 'I want to talk to you.'

"I'm tired, I need to sleep. You have to leave." Lies. I'm not at all tired anymore. I was a couple of minutes ago, but all the tiredness has somehow vanished.

'I love making you blush,' he murmurs, his voice low and husky.

My eyes widen slightly and I swallow. "Zaid, if you don't leave right now, I will push you out of my window."

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