Chapter Forty-Four

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Zaid's POV

I've never felt so nervous, so afraid, in my entire life. "Will you make me the luckiest and happiest man in the world, by agreeing to spend the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me?" I ask, my voice trembling, looking into the eyes of the girl I love so much.

With fumbling fingers, I open the small, velvet box. To say that Zara looks surprised is an understatement. She looks shocked. She looks at the ring in my hands, and then up at my face, her eyes glistening with tears.

She starts to cry, tears flowing down her beautiful face. Why is she crying? It's a bad sign, isn't it? Zara crying. Didn't she like my surprise? My proposal? She continues to look at me in shock, her fingers clutching the fabric of her dress tightly.

"Zara, please say something?" I whisper, chuckling softly. I have absolutely no idea what her answer will be, but I can't see her cry. If she refuses my proposal, I will be heartbroken.

She gently holds my free hand, her own trembling. When she smiles at me with tears streaming down her angelic face and nods, I can't believe my eyes. I must be dreaming.

I will never forget the next words which she says. She chuckles slightly, before nodding once more. 'Yes, Zaid, yes. Of course I'll marry you!' She laughs gently, before clutching onto my hand and giving me another dazzling smile.

I can't believe my ears. I can't believe it. This seems too good to be true. She said yes. She said yes! She agreed to marry me! I am the happiest man in the world right now. Nothing can bring me down. I'm the luckiest man. Zara will be my wife, my life partner.

The entire audience starts clapping and cheering as I take the ring out of the box and slip it onto Zara's left hand ring finger. It's a perfect fit. She looks at the ring on her hand, smiling, as more tears flow out of her eyes. I don't realise when I start to cry myself, but I can't help it. It feels like a dream! Zara, the only girl I have ever loved and ever will love, has agreed to marry me.

She stands up from the chair and I gather her in my arms immediately, hugging her tightly. This causes the audience to go even crazier, whistling and cheering. I wrap my arms around my girl, hugging her closer. She hugs me back, and I feel her tears seep through the front of my shirt. My own tears have started to soak the hair on the top of her head. All I care about right now, is Zara. I don't see anyone else right now. It's only me and her. I love her so much.


I have no idea how much time has passed, when Zara lifts her head from my chest. She wipes away her tears, and looks into my eyes, blushing profusely. I can't help but smile at her blush. It is her this blush which stole my heart months ago. Even after crying so much, she still looks perfect. She is the most beautiful girl in the world. No one can match her beauty.

"Already blushing, love?" I ask her, smirking at her expression.

She blushes harder, shaking her head. 'Stop it. I was going to kill you, for calling me onto the stage in front of so many people. I even told Aunty and Uncle.'

I chuckle. "So, have you changed your mind?" I cock my head to the side, looking at her beautiful face and the blush which deepens even more.

She nods. 'I was mad at you, but I think you made up for it. This was all...perfect.'

I grin, thinking of how madly I love this girl. She walked back into my life, and changed it completely. She changed my whole world, without even realising. She is my whole world. "I'm glad you liked it. Have I told you how beautiful, how perfect you look today?" I ask her.

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