Chapter Forty-Seven

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Zara's POV

Why is it that I always manage to embarrass myself in front of Zaid? I can't believe that I fell asleep in the front seat of his car, and grabbed his arm when he tried to wake me up, hugging it to myself. My cheeks are a constant shade of bright red when I walk into the five-star restaurant with him.

I sit in between Hafsa and Layla at the restaurant, and I can feel Zaid's eyes on me constantly. I don't once look up to meet his glance, though. I'm the biggest idiot in the world, and I always embarrass myself in front of the one person I shouldn't embarrass myself in front of.

And this is the first time I've seen him since the proposal, too. He must be thinking that I'm such an idiot.

He can't think that, though, because he's an idiot too.

Dinner is lovely, and I actually enjoy myself talking with the girls. Zaid joins into our conversations, too, and whenever he does, my cheeks turn scarlet. And of course, the girls can't stop teasing me. Especially Hafsa.

"Zara, bhai is sitting at least two metres away from us, and you're blushing like this. What will happen when we're in Pakistan? We'll be living together for the whole two weeks," Hafsa says loudly, so that everyone on the table can hear.

I elbow her, glaring at her. 'Shut up, Hafsa,' I whisper, but of course she doesn't listen.

Zaid smirks, gazing at me. 'Aunty, ask Zara why she's so nervous around me now. Nothing has changed,' he teases.

I look over at him and glare. Then I realise what I've done, and I start blushing again.

'See, Aunty? Look at her,' Zaid teases, making everyone "aww".

What an idiot.

"Zaid, if you don't shut up I'll come there right now and slap you," I mutter, making everyone burst out laughing.

'That's more like the Zara I know!' He says, grinning.

My face heats up even more. This guy.

We have dessert after dinner, which too is delicious. Mum tells Zaid that she's going to pay, but Zaid is adamant on paying. He drops us all off home after dinner, and thankfully, the ride home is nice and peaceful, without anyone embarrassing me again.

That's probably because Hafsa falls asleep about two minutes after getting into the car.


The next two weeks fly by. We go wedding shopping nearly everyday, and a few days after ordering my wedding lehenga, we have ordered my mehndi dress too. It's absolutely gorgeous. Mum has bought me many, many other dresses; both Pakistani and western. She's also bought lots and lots of jewellery, shoes, sandals, purses, clutches, makeup, everything you can think of! One of the spare guest rooms at home is filled with my wedding shopping. I love everything.

Today is the 20th of June, the day we are flying to Pakistan. Our flight is at 5:30pm, and all our packing is finally done. I've just finished having a quick lunch with my family, and everyone is getting ready to go to the airport. We will be travelling in PIA, so we will reach Pakistan at around 5am (Pakistani time). I'm so excited and happy, and so is everyone else. I'm looking forward to everything, except the hot weather because I have heard from my cousins there, that the temperature is currently over 40 degrees in Islamabad.

I'm wearing a beautiful black and red kameez pajama suit which Mum had bought for me a few days ago, and we had gotten it stitched quickly. It fits perfectly, and it's comfortable too. I've applied some light makeup, and have straightened my usually wavy hair today. It looks nice. I'm wearing my favourite comfortable but stylish black wedges, too.

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