Chapter Fifty

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Zara's POV

'Who knows what spell she cast on him, and managed to make him fall for her. He's a multi-millionaire. And she is nothing,' I hear the jealous voice of one of Nani's neighbours. I know this woman, and she has always been jealous of me and my family, for some reason. Now more than ever.

Her friend seems to agree with her. "She probably forced him to marry her. After all, she is his sister's best friend."

I roll my eyes, sighing. I've had enough of this. Ever since I agreed to Zaid's proposal, I have gained many haters. Jealous girls, mainly, who are pining over Zaid. Or their mothers, who want Zaid to marry their daughter instead. I don't care, though. They're all just jealous, because Zaid is mine. Because he loves me, and not any of them. They can keep hating me, I don't care. I haven't done anything to them.

'She used to work for him, at his office. Who knows what she did to him there. They probably worked overtime everyday,' the first woman says, envious. Her friend cackles with laughter.


"Do you have any idea what you're saying? Not that this is any of your business, but I'm the one who proposed to Zara. I told her I love her, and she had no idea. I'm a billionaire, not a millionaire. And what did you say? Zara is nothing? She's everything for me! Zara is my entire world!" Zaid's voice roars throughout the entire hall.

There is complete silence. My cheeks are burning red, all eyes are on me and Zaid.

He heard the women talking and badmouthing me.

'Oh, we didn't mean it like that, beta,' the first woman says, giving Zaid a small smile. She looks terrified of him. Good.

He raises an eyebrow. "Really, now? I'm not stupid, or deaf. I suggest you stop talking about my fiancée, and concentrate on your own lives. Jealousy really hurts, right?" He's really pissed.

I walk over to him from Hafsa and grab his arm, to calm him down. 'Zaid, it doesn't matter. I don't care what anyone says or thinks about me.'

"But I care, Zara. I care if someone talks about you, and I will not tolerate it. Why can't people mind their own business?" He's furious.

'Shh, calm down Zaid. Let's just enjoy this party. Okay?' I whisper to him, smiling gently.

He glances at me and his expression softens. "Fine. But if I hear anyone talking like this again, I won't tolerate it." Phew.

I nod, giving him another reassuring smile. I walk to the other side of the hall where Hafsa and Maryam are now standing with Sana and Habiba.

Thankfully, everyone has started to continue enjoying the party.

Yes, we have hosted a party this evening, at Nani's house. It's held in the huge hall at the back of the house, and there are over a hundred guests who are all relatives, friends and neighbours. Well, our parents have hosted the party, and it's just for fun. For everyone to enjoy themselves, before the wedding preparations start on full blast.

We have been in Pakistan for over a week now, and we've been going shopping nearly everyday. Several suitcases are now filled with gifts for me and Zaid, and many, many beautiful outfits for the both of us. We have a week left here, today is the 29th of June. Time is flying by. We've all been having so much fun here, with all my cousins, and we've been super busy, we don't know where the time is going. We will be flying back to England on the 6th of July, a whole month before the wedding. All my relatives will be joining us a few days later.

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