Chapter Fourteen

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Zara's POV

Thankfully, I'm feeling a lot better now. The medicine and nap really helped. I'm glad, as it means that I can enjoy the sleepover tonight with the girls. We are now sitting in the hall, talking. Zaid is also here, but he is doing something on his phone.

'I've ordered pizza, it should be here soon,' Hafsa says, smiling.

"What movie are we gonna watch tonight then?" Ayesha asks.

Hafsa shrugs. 'Whatever you girls want! What do you say?' She asks me and Ayesha.

"It's completely up to you! I'm up for anything!" I say, chuckling.

'We should watch a horror movie tonight. We're always watching romantic movies, and comedies. We should watch a horror movie for a change!' Ayesha says, smiling.

"Yes, that's a good idea. Ayesha, you're scared of horror movies though!" I laugh. Ayesha is scared of horror movies, especially those that involve a lot of blood. She laughs and shakes her head, saying that she actually wants to watch a horror movie tonight. Hafsa also wants to. So, we decide to watch 'The Ring'. I've watched it before, but neither Hafsa or Ayesha have. It is a really good movie, though, so I don't mind at all watching it again.

So, we eat the yummy food which Hafsa has prepared, and also the pizza which arrives a few minutes later. We decide to go up to Hafsa's room at 10pm, and get started on watching the movie.

We all have a lot of fun watching the movie, it has a really interesting and different plot. Although I've watched it before, I still jump at a few parts. At one point, Ayesha has the duvet over her face because she doesn't want to watch the scary scene. She's too cute. Hafsa isn't so scared, though. She enjoys horror movies.

We eat popcorn and nachos while we are watching the movie. I feel so full up after eating so much food. The movie ends at 12:15am. Ayesha falls asleep straight away. Me and Hafsa chuckle.

'She's so cute. She was scared throughout the movie but she fell asleep as soon as it's over! If I was scared, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep all night!' I say, laughing.

"Me too. Do you want some coffee, babe?" Hafsa asks me.

I shake my head. 'No, Hafsa. I'm so full, I couldn't eat or drink anything else!'

Me and Hafsa talk for about half an hour or so. We talk about our exams which finished yesterday, then we talk about marriage.

'Do you want to get married soon?' I ask Hafsa. For the first time, I'm the person who initiates the conversation of marriage.

Hafsa laughs. "Well, I don't know! I mean, if I got a good proposal which I liked, and my parents and Zaid Bhai also liked, then I wouldn't mind. I don't want to get married before Bhai, though, because I want to spend some time with him and my sister-in-law!"

I laugh. Hafsa's crazy. 'You could spend time with them even after your marriage, Hafsa! Your wedding will honestly be so much fun!'

Hafsa smiles. "So will yours, babe. You will make the most beautiful bride!"

I laugh. 'Hafsa, I don't know.. I mean, I don't know if I want to get married anytime soon. You know why.'

Hafsa sighs. "Babe, please, I know how difficult it is, but you need to forget about him. He's gone from your life now, and hopefully he isn't coming back. He's gone for good. He was a loser anyway. You deserve someone amazing just like you. Someone who will love you so much that you will forget about everything else."

I smile. 'Hafsa, how can I be sure though? How can I be sure that the other guy won't be the same? What if he's even worse than Hamza? I don't want to take any risks. I feel safe with my parents, I trust them. I can't trust anyone else, let alone give my heart to them.'

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