Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Zara's POV

My weekend starts off as normal, nothing out of the ordinary happens. I wake up at 9pm, and have breakfast with my family. I spend some time with them that morning. We just tell jokes and have a laugh together. Even though I'm at home most weekends, I don't get to spend much time with my family, because of how busy I am. I'm always busy in my room, doing office work or university work. I've had a few assignments, too, so I've been busy with those most nights.

When I'm not busy with work, I'm busy daydreaming. About Zaid. He doesn't leave my mind. He has made a permanent place in both my mind and heart.

Mum, Dad and Maryam leave for Manchester at around midday, after lunch. After they have left, I clean my room, and then do some other household chores like putting my clothes in the wash and ironing. I actually quite enjoy my afternoon alone. I like having my 'me time'. It's good sometimes. I like having some time to myself, although I enjoy being with my loved ones more.

At 3pm, I finish my work and sit in the living room, turning on the TV. I flick through the channels, but there is nothing on which interests me. So, I decide to go upstairs to my room and watch some Netflix on my laptop. I start to watch an episode of Pretty Little Liars (of course), while eating some toffee popcorn. My favourite. I get comfy in my bed, watching my favourite show.


Zaid's POV

I'm at Tiffany & Co jewellery store, looking at rings. I can't wait any longer. I'm buying the ring today, and I will propose to Zara today. This evening. I have absolutely no idea how she will react, but I have planned everything out. I hope she says 'yes'. I've never been so nervous in my entire life. I hope she agrees. She will definitely be shocked, but I hope it's a good shock.

It may be pretty quick, but I feel like I've been waiting an eternity to marry her. I never believed in marriage, as I have seen so many marriages break up in my close relatives and friends. I never believed in love, until I returned to England a few months back. Zara changed everything. She changed my entire being, my whole life. And how glad I am that she did.

"Sir, what kind of ring would you like to see?" The sales assistant asks me, smiling brightly. She is a pretty, young girl who must be in her early 20s. She's definitely not as beautiful as Zara, though. No one's beauty can match Zara's.

I look at the huge, stunning range of engagement rings in front of me, and think. I asked Hafsa for Zara's ring size, she told me that it was the same as hers, but I don't know what kind of ring Zara will like. What if she doesn't like the ring I pick out for her?

'Show me the best engagement rings you have, please,' I reply, giving her a small, polite smile.

"Of course! If you will follow me," she says, walking to the other side of the shop. In front of me, is a selection of engagement rings displayed behind a glass window. What kind of ring will Zara like?

"She hasn't come with you, sir?" The sales assistant asks me, politely.

I shake my head. 'No, it's a surprise.'

She smiles widely. "Ah, I understand! So, what is her style? I may be able to help you pick out the perfect ring!"

I smile, thinking. 'I want the most beautiful ring in the store. Something elegant, simple yet dazzling. I want the best for Zara.'

The young woman smiles, nodding. "And what's the price range, sir?"

I look at her, chuckling. 'Show me the best you have. The most expensive.' My love for Zara has no price tag. I'm sure that I can easily afford the most expensive ring in this store. I want to give Zara the world. I don't care how much the perfect ring costs, I just want her to like it.

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