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Chapter One || Mistakes

Peyton Jade LaMont walks down the steps of Beacon Hills High School

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Peyton Jade LaMont walks down the steps of Beacon Hills High School. School had just finished for the day and she was wanting to get out of there. It's been a week and a half since her fathers murder and everyone at school keeps whispering and giving her a mix of surprised and pitiful looks. Just like they had done when everyone else died. They only lasted a couple of days though. She's been back at school for a week, and they haven't stopped. On her way to the back of the school she picks up on a erratic heartbeat that belongs to Liam Dunbar. Her fellow alpha, Scott McCall's beta. Liam has been having trouble with his new abilities, and keeping himself under control. Since Peyton is a born werewolf she has been helping the alpha train his beta; since she has watched and participated in group trainings with her father, so she heads over to where Liam and his friend Mason are. 

"I just wanted to say. Have a good game." Liam holds his hand out to a tall boy. The boy and the rest of his friends start laughing at Liam and he puts his hand down with a defeated look on his face.

"That's cute Liam. Is that what they told you in Anger Management? Apologize and everything is ok?"

Peyton stands next to Mason who reeks of nervousness and anxiety. "Who is that?" She asks. She's seen him before. Doesn't know where, but she's seen him before.

"Brett Talbot. He and Liam used to play on the same team when he went to Devenford." Peyton nods as her eyes divert to Liam's hand. Blood.

"Stay here." She says to Mason who just nods anxiously. Peyton walks over to Liam and stands right beside him. She doesn't need him wolfing out and ripping this Brett kid to shreds. That would be fun to explain to Scott and the rest of the world.

"And who are you?" Brett asks. Liam turns and notices the older wolf is beside him and calms down a bit.

"None of your concern." She looks at every boy that was surrounding them sending glares as all attention is turned to the short girl. "Is there a problem here?" She asks. According to her senses, one of these boys besides Liam, is a supernatural, and she is going to find out who.

"Nope, not at all." A short, black haired boy rushes. You don't need heightened senses to tell the girl is making him nervous.

"Your boy Dunbar trashed our coaches car and he's going to pay." Brett growls and a yellow hue flashes in his eyes.

Ah, there it is.

Peyton walks up to Brett and stands directly in front of him.


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