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Chapter Six || Training

After the assassins last attempt to kill Lydia and Peyton, which ended with them all dead, things slowed down

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After the assassins last attempt to kill Lydia and Peyton, which ended with them all dead, things slowed down. No one has had any run ins with money hungry killers and the Deadpool seemed almost nonexistent, but everyone knew better. It's Beacon Hills, things aren't that easy. All of the supernaturals are on edge, just waiting for an arrow to be shot at them or a blade covered in poison to be stuck in their skin.

Peytons Aunt and Uncle have refused to leave until the Deadpool is over, even after the teenagers attempts at forcing them to leave and to take Khloe with them.

Peyton was laying in bed on Saturday morning. It was about seven thirty and no one was up. With Steve and Noelle's  time difference adjusting and Khloe being a deep sleeper they wouldn't be up for a while, so she just stayed in bed until her phone started to ring, so she quickly answered to shut it up.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Peyton, it's Satomi. I got your number from Brett's phone." The older alpha replies.

"Hey Satomi, is everything ok?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I would actually like to meet with you today. I need to speak with you in person."

"Ok, I can meet you anytime, anywhere. I don't have any plans for today." Peyton says as she stands up to stretch.

"How about breakfast? We could meet at that café on the Main Street in Beacon Hills if that works for you?"

"Yeah, that's perfect. What time should I meet you?" Peyton replies as she grabs a pair of jeans from her dresser.

"As soon as you can sweetheart, I am in no rush." Satomi says.

Peyton chuckles and grabs a shirt. "Ok, I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"Alright, goodbye Peyton Jade."

"Goodbye Satomi." And with that the two alphas hang up and Peyton starts her morning routine of washing her face, brushing her teeth and getting dressed.

Once Peyton is ready to walk out the door she stops in the kitchen and writes a note to her family telling them she is going to breakfast and would call after. She sticks the paper under the coffee machine, knowing that will be the first place Steve will go when he wakes up. She walks into the foyer and over to the "key stand" as her father used to call it. She grabs the keys for the Audi because her Uncle doesn't have a child safe car or a car seat here so she's been letting them drive her Jeep. She gets in the R8 and backs it out of the garage before getting on the road to the café.


"Can I have the breakfast sandwich with a side of potatoes and a muffin please?" Peyton says to the waiter and hands him her menu.

"Of course, for you mam?" He asks Satomi.

"I'll have the same thing as her." Satomi gives him her menu with a smile and before he can walk away Peyton adds in. "Can we have the muffin that doesn't have chocolate in it? We're both allergic." She lies.

"Sure thing. I'll go put these in." He then walks away and the women turn to each other.

"Looks like our tastebuds are similar." Peyton chuckles at Satomi's statement and takes a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah I guess so. The chocolate sounded good though didn't it?"

"Yes it did. The last time I had chocolate was when I was human, and that was a long time ago."

"I learned the hard way when I was seven, had to get my stomach pumped by Deaton." Both alphas chuckle.

"So there is a reason I asked you to meet me."

"Yeah, it sounded urgent, so I came as fast as I could." Peyton nods.

"Well you know my pack and I are Buddhist, I don't really condone unnecessary violence." Satomi stops for a few seconds.

"Is this about last week? I promise it was necessary. They were going to kill both of us." Peyton whispers to the older woman.

Satomi grabs her hand and squeezes it. "No, honey I know it was necessary. I mean a dozen assassins against two teenage girls, one without supernatural strength, is unfair. But I did see the mess you made of them in the woods."

Peyton puts her head down. She doesn't regret killing them, but she doesn't like the fact that she had blood on her hands and that she was put in that situation in the first place.

"Your father used to help me train my betas, but now the only ones who haven't been trained to fight like you are Brett and Lori. You've been through countless training sessions with your family and the Hale's so, I was wondering if you could train them just a few times a week." Satomi suggests.

"Do Brett and Lori know you're asking me this?"

"Yes they do. Lori is excited she gets to meet you and Brett is happy that he gets to spend more time with you." Peyton chuckles.

"Are we talking about the same Brett Talbot because the first time I met my Brett he was a douchebag, excuse my language." Satomi chuckles and takes a drink of her tea.

"Sounds like him. Protecting himself around a girl he finds attractive." Peyton shakes her head and laughs.


"Come on Brett, use your strength, you're not going to hurt me." Peyton says as she throws Brett back onto the floor.

"I don't feel right hitting girls." Brett admits. Peyton sticks out her hand and heaves him to his feet.

"Satomi taught you right, but this is life or death and I'm not a defenseless human." Peyton flicks out claws and digs them deep into her arm. Brett grimaces as the blood pours out of the five puncture wounds and drips to the floor. "Plus, I heal pretty damn fast." She pulls her claws out of her arm and the holes immediately close up, only leaving crescent shaped blood stains. "So kick my ass, knock my head into the wall if you have to."

Peyton flicks out her claws on her hands and feet and shifts her eyes, circling Brett as if she was challenging him.

"Alright, game on."

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