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Chapter Eight || Apologize

"Did you know?" Peyton asks as she continues to face her car, not Derek

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"Did you know?" Peyton asks as she continues to face her car, not Derek.

"No, I just found out today. I'm the one that made them tell you." Derek replies. Peyton turns to the older werewolf.

"Scott told me he wouldn't keep me out of things. That's all he's been doing. He didn't want to tell me about the Deadpool, he kept me out of his plan to get the benefactor and now he's lying to me, Liam AND Malia about our families. I'm an alpha, not his beta, and if he keeps this up I'm not sure if I want to be allies with his pack anymore." Peyton states.

"Peyton, you grew up with Scott, and Stiles. They were your best friends." Derek objects.

"They were, in fourth grade. So if it comes down between family, like you, Khloe, Liam or "friends", like Scott. I will always choose family." Peyton admits. "If he really was my friend he wouldn't keep that from me. Or Liam, his own beta." She growls. "He ruined everything for him."


"He was fine before he came to Beacon Hills! Our father was an alpha when he was conceived. He would've started showing signs of being a werewolf when he was four. But no! Scott had to be the captain and break his ankle during lacrosse and he completely screwed up Liam's life! He had a chance to be a normal kid!" She takes a deep breath in before continuing. "He had a fucking chance Der. Now he's upset because he thinks his mom has been lying to him his whole life, and his biological father is dead. He said he wasn't going home tonight."

"He didn't act upset up there?" Derek questions.

"I can feel it Derek. I didn't realize it before but it's like I can feel what he's feeling, emotionally, physically, just like I can with Khloe. I think Scott could tell too, that's why he did this cooperatively." Peyton's eyes start stinging and Derek can see tears building up in her green eyes. Derek steps closer to Peyton and opens his arms for her.

"Come here." Peyton wraps her arms around Derek's chest and lays her head on it, while Derek puts his arms over her shoulders.

"He doesn't deserve this."


The bell for lunch brings Peyton out of her daydream. She and Malia, who sits next to her for History, gather their stuff and walk out of the classroom. This is how it's been for a couple weeks. Malia and Peyton stay together during and sometimes after school. Liam stays with Peyton and Malia or he hangs out with Mason, but at lunch they all ate together and either did homework or talked. Sometimes Brett would show up and have lunch with them, which Mason loved and Liam hated, but they were warming up to each other since Liam is Peyton's brother and has been staying at her house, which is where Brett and Lori come for their training sessions.

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