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Chapter Nine || Bonfire

Peyton and Malia are dancing and drinking together as everyone jumps to the DJ's music

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Peyton and Malia are dancing and drinking together as everyone jumps to the DJ's music. Peyton knew she couldn't get drunk, but she wasn't too sure Malia knew. As they dance Scott approaches the two girls, neither of them noticing until he steps right in front of them.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?!" He shouts over the music and the rowdy teenagers.

"Gettin' drunk." Malia states, gesturing to her flask. "What are you doing?"

"Making sure no one gets hurt."

"That sounds fun too." Peyton says then takes a swig from her bottle of beer, realizing that it is now empty. She pouts for a few seconds before turning to Malia and wiggling her bottle, telling her she was going to get more. Malia nods and goes back to jumping and drinking at the same time. Peyton then turns and walks towards the DJ's booth where they've sat coolers of alcohol out. She passes by her brother, who is pouring whiskey into a cola bottle. She quickly catches his attention and points to her ear. Liam nods and listens for her voice.

"You know we can't get drunk right?" Liam shrugs and Peyton just laughs before continuing her journey for beer.

She finally finds the coolers and leans down to grab one but she gets stopped by a hand on her bare elbow and her hair stops her from seeing the person touching her. She quickly stands up and the hair falls out of her face and lands on her shoulders.

"That's enough sweetheart. Don't want you to be stumbling now do we?" A young security guard says.

"You calling me a lightweight?" She chuckles.

"Nope, just making sure no one gets hurt." The man replies. "That's your third beer."

"Yeah, I know how to count."

"You teenage girls thinking you can drink like the boys." The guard scoffs.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothin' sweetie, just saying that girls can't hold their alcohol."

"Yeah? Well, I'm just saying you're a sexist bastard."

"I could have you arrested for underage drinking you little-!"

"I could report you to the sheriff for harassing a teenage girl." A voice from behind Peyton. She didn't have to turn around to know who's voice it was, because she recognized it.

"Mind your business man."

Brett walks over to the two and grabs Peyton's elbow. "No, her business is my business." Brett glares at the security guard. He pulls Peyton to start walking before they are interrupted.

"Nice tattoo sweetheart." The guard winks and walks off into the crowd.

Peyton growls in the mans direction and flashes her eyes. Brett grabs her and throws her over his shoulder before she can run after him. Once they get far enough away from the crowd Brett sets the girl down and turns her so he is facing her back.

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