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Chapter Three || Anchor

The next morning Peyton is woken up by the first ring of her phone

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The next morning Peyton is woken up by the first ring of her phone. She looks over and sees that she is getting a call from Scott, so she immediately answers it.

"Hey Scott."

"Hey, have you heard from or seen Liam today?" Scott asks.

"No, the last time I saw Liam was last night when I was asking Mr. Yukimura to watch Khloe. Why, is everything ok?" By now Peyton has gotten up from her bed and unplugged her phone.

"He went on a run with Mason this morning, and got ahead of him. When Mason got to the end of the trail he wasn't there, and no one has seen him since."

"Have you been to the trail yet?"

"No, I'm actually heading to the hospital right now."

"Alright, give Mason my number and tell him to text me the exact spot he last saw Liam. I'm going to see if I can catch his scent."

"What about Khloe and Brett?"

"Noshiko came and got Khloe at seven thirty this morning, and if Brett wants to come he can."

"Alright, I'm texting Mason." Scott hangs up and Peyton throws her phone onto her bed and starts to get dressed. Once she's got some clothing on she opens the door, goes down the hall and starts banging her fist on Brett's door.

"Liam's missing, I need to leave! Do you want to come with me?!" Just as she finishes buttoning her shirt Brett opens the door, already dressed.

"What do you mean Liam's missing?" He looks down at the short girl who is buttoning her skinny jeans and trying to put shoes on at the same time.

"He went for a run and didn't come back. I'm going to go see if I can catch his scent." She finally gets her shoes on and stands straight. "Do you want to come with me or not?"

"I'll come with."


"Are you sure that he didn't just go home?" Brett asks as he trails behind Peyton.

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