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Chapter Two || Listen

Brett thrashes around on the metal table in Deaton's Clinic

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Brett thrashes around on the metal table in Deaton's Clinic. The wolfsbane that has entered his system, is causing him to lose control.

"Hold him still or the incision might kill him!" Deaton yelled over all of the noise. Derek had shown up and told Deaton what he needed to do to get the poison out of Brett's system, but Deaton being Deaton already knew.

"Hey guys some more werewolf strength would be helpful right now!" Stiles yells. Brett is snapping his canines and spitting yellow foam everywhere, burning the werewolves trying to hold the enraged beta down. Before Derek can grab him Brett slips out of Peyton's grasp and pushes Stiles, Deaton, and Peyton away making them end up across the room. The poison acting like a surge of strength and adrenaline. Brett gets up and heads for the door, but before he can leave Peter comes in and punches him in the face, knocking him out cold.

"I've got some werewolf strength left in me." Peter smirks cracking his knuckles. Derek rolls his eyes at his uncle.

"I told you to stay in the car." Derek mutters.

"I got bored." Peter shrugged.

"Must be a Hale thing. Dramatic entrances." Peyton quips. Stiles nods in agreement as he gets up to help Deaton get Brett back on the table. Deaton pulls out a scalpel and cuts down the center of Brett's chest. A puff of yellow flows out of the incision and the boy takes a huge breath of air in.

"He will be unconscious for just a little while. We need to find his alpha, whoever that might be, and let them know he's alright." Deaton says as he wipes the boy's face and chest off with a wet towel. "Could you stay here and keep an eye on him?" Peyton nods and checks the time.

"Mr. Yukimura should be here with Khloe soon so send him in here for me please?" Peyton stops Stiles. Stiles nods and they walk out. Peyton gets into the supply closet and grabs a clean, light blanket and lays it on Brett. She looks at his face and sees some of his hair is laid on his forehead, so she pushes her hand through his hair. She pulls her hand away and Brett starts mumbling. As he keeps going he gets louder.

"Three things cannot long be hidden. The sun. The moon. The truth."

Peyton walks into Deaton's office and recites Brett's words.

"Three things cannot long be hidden. The sun. The moon. The truth."

"What?" Stiles asks.

"It's like a mantra or something. He keeps repeating it."

"Satomi." Peter mutters. Peyton's eyes widen and she walks out of the room, returning a few seconds later with her purse she had thrown when they arrived. She pulls her wallet out and after looking through it she pulls a card out and hands it over to the four men.

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