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Alexander LaMont walks out of Beacon Hills High School twirling his keys on his finger. It's the start of the second semester of his daughters Junior year and he couldn't be prouder. All A's and decent attendance. He didn't expect that with all the things they've been through here lately. His daughters' grandparents, uncle and aunt had all been murdered by hunters in Arizona. Then here recently her best friends were murdered. Allison and Aiden. Both at the hands of the Oni and Nogitsune. Khloe is still her four year old ray of sunshine self. She's too young to understand what happened, but she knows they're gone.

Once he got to his beloved Black Audi he turned around. A feeling of being followed sets in. He flashes his eyes. Red. Before he can call out a sword coated in mountain ash and wolfsbane comes through him. Penetrating his organs and becoming a fatal wound. He groans and the person disappears.

Alexander falls to his knees as his oldest daughter, Peyton Jade runs out into the parking lot.


"Peyton go! They could still be here." She gets on her knees and sits her father up.

"I'm not leaving you." She pulls his jacket over his arm and sees the wound. "Why isn't it healing?!" She exclaims and puts pressure on it.

"Yo-you and I both know why it's not healing." Peyton pulls her hand away from it and sees the red color has turned black. She looks up at her fathers face and sees the black falling from his lips.

"No! You can't do this to us! You-You can't do this to me! I need you!"

"Pey-Peyton, I need you to promise me-." Peyton cuts him off.

"Don't. Don't make me promise you. You're going to be fine! You're going to be fine. You can't die, we need you." She mumbles as her shaking hand reaches for her phone and pulls it out of her pocket. "Damnit!" She throws her phone on the ground when it doesn't turn on. "Help! Somebody help me please!" She yells.

"Peyton! I'm not going to make it! I'm-I'm not going to make it." He whispers. She finally nods. "Promise me. Promise you will take care of yourself. You can't bl-blame yourself either." He takes a deep breath. "Get your sister out of this town. Call Uncle Steve and have him come get her. I-I know you aren't going to want to leave your friends."

"I promise." Peyton cries.

"The-the floorboard that you always ask about. There's a safe in there. The code is your birthday." Peyton nods. "There's an old friend of mine, he-her contact information is in there. If you ever need anything, call her. I trust her." Peyton squeezes his hand and closes her eyes, trying to focus on one thing.

"I can't take your pain. Why can't I take your pain?"

"It's because it doesn't hurt." Alexander squeezes Peyton's hand. "Things are going to change Peyton. Peyton Jade. I-I love you."

"I love you too."

Alexander's eyes flash their alpha red before going baby blue. His eyes glaze over as all life drains out of them and he takes his last breath. Peyton screws her eyes shut as she feels them changing. Her fangs pop out of her human teeth and she feels a pressure building up in her throat. She looks up and opens her mouth and eyes. Her eyes are glowing. The roar emitted from her throat is filled with pain, anger, and grief.

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