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Chapter Four || Grocery Runs

Lydia and Peyton make their way down the breakfast isle of the local market in Beacon Hills

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Lydia and Peyton make their way down the breakfast isle of the local market in Beacon Hills. Peyton needed to go grocery shopping and Lydia wanted to get away from the supernatural for an hour, so she tagged along.

"How are Liam and Brett?" Lydia asks. Peyton grabs a bag of bagels and turns to her friend.

"They're good. I took Brett back to Devenford today and Liam is on bed rest until tomorrow."

"How did you convince his parents he's sick?" Lydia chuckles.

"I told him to get up and run to the bathroom when his stepdad comes to check on him. Liam called me before I picked you up and said David was going to get him some Zofran if he didn't feel better. He was freaking out Lydia! He said "I don't know how to fake feeling better!" It was great!" Both of the girls laughed and continued to talk while grabbing things here and there.


The two girls were heading towards checkout when Peyton stopped. Lydia about rear ended her with the cart but fortunately didn't.

"What are you doing?!" Lydia exclaims.

"No one else is here." Peyton whispers.

"Peyton, what do you mean?"

"It's seven thirty in the evening and no one is here. Since we got here I haven't seen any of the regular workers, just the guy up front. No other customers or employees." She turns to Lydia and whispers "Something isn't right. Call Scott, go out to the Jeep and lock the doors. I'm going to check out." Peyton hands her keys to Lydia who seems a little hesitant, but a nod sends her on her way.

Peyton pushes the cart up to the conveyor belt and starts unloading it.

"Hello, did you find everything ok?" The man asks.

"Yes I did, thank you."

"I saw you come in with a red haired girl, where'd she go?" Peyton stares at the man for a second and listens to his heart beat. Steady. He's either trained to keep it that way or he isn't who she thinks he is.

"She wasn't feeling good, so she headed out." Peyton hands him her credit card so he can swipe it in his machine. He holds it for a second and looks at the name.


"Peyton Jade LaMont? Is Jade like your middle name?"

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