Chapter 5: I'm Not a Drug Addict

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"You won't mind if I use the supplies you brung do you?" The man named Hershel said walking over. I shook my head and he took the stuff and stitched her up while I sat at the table. He was obviously older. He had longer gray hair but a growing bald spot and a grey beard.

The boy stayed behind and kept watch. He must've been tough, but he didn't really look the part. I guess we had that in common.

"Thank you." Michonne said to him as he smiled to her. The two went back to their area and Michonne looked to me.

"I want you to stay here." Michonne said sitting up.

"What why?" I asked confused. "I can fend for myself."

"Yes but if I'm right they'll be having a gun war." She replied quietly. "They'll also probably be trying to bring as many of the stronger ones as possible. If you stay you can make sure this place is safe enough just in case we need to get Andrea and come back."

I nodded. "Fair enough, but you need to promise to be careful." I said looking to her. She nodded. It wasn't a promise, but it was a hope.

They came back over and said they were ready to go. "I want her to stay here." Michonne said looking to me. We had yet to reveal our names just in case they wanted to try and rat us out.

"Fine." Rick said more worried about his people than me. "She can have her stuff back later." I rolled my eyes lightly but dealt with it.

we all walked out to the gate and Michonne was limping but it wasn't as bad. I hugged her lightly and smiled. She already knew what I wanted so I didn't have to speak.

They loaded the car and I looked around. I saw the boy talking to Rick and noticed they were on edge. I turned to see a woman with a baby. There was a girl at the gate with Michonne who looked to be a little older than I was. They all got in the car and headed out.

I crossed my arms and watched with a sigh as they drove off in a green car. All that was left was Hershel, the boy who's name I'd forgotten, a man in a prison jumpsuit, the girl, and the woman holding the baby.

"Let's head inside." The old man said as we all walked inside. I sat at the table and they all sat around me. I looked up at them and squinted my eyebrows. "So are you gonna tell us who you are?"

"Why do you wanna know?" I asked back with the least amount of sass I could.

"Just trying to be nice." He smiled and I could tell it was genuine. "Beth why don't you get her some new clean clothes? She looks your size."

"Can I have a pen too please?" I asked looking to her. She nodded once.

"Okay Daddy." The blonde girl nodded as she walked out. The woman with the baby left too. It was just Hershel and the boy left.

"Are y'all all related?" I asked looking to him.

"Well Maggie, the girl you saw get taken, and Beth are my daughters. Carl and the baby are Ricks kids." He said looking to me. I was confused as to why he was telling me everything.

"The baby doesn't have a name?" I asked looking to him.

"She does now. We'll tell you hers if you tell us yours." The old man didn't seem to know about her name but I basically knew all of theirs so why not.

"It's Lyla Rose." I said looking to Carl.

"Her name is Judith." The boy responded.

"How old are you Lyla Rose?" Hershel asked me kindly.

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