Chapter 10: Everyone Sucked

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A day went by and Rick went to meet with the governor. Merle decided to be an asshat once again. He told Carl that his dad's head was probably already on a spike. I wanted to go comfort him but he didn't seem like he really liked talking to me so I didn't. He then threatened Glenn. I stayed inside my cell and waited for Rick to be back.

I looked at my stomach which I hadn't gotten around to since everything happened. I was a lot meatier than before. The clothes finally fit me right and I was happy to know my body was being taken care of.

I noticed one of my many scars from the fire on my stomach and put my shirt down. I didn't like to think about it to much. It was a hard time for me and I wanted to keep it to myself as long as possible.

Soon after Rick came back and we all gathered around. I stood next to Beth with Michonne behind me.

"So I met this governor." Rick said as he looked around. "I sat with him for quite a while.

"Just the two of you?" Merle asked. Rick nodded lightly. Merle started walking to the back. "Should've gone when we had the chance bro."

"He wants the prison. He wants us gone. Dead." Rick said as my heart raced lightly. I knew what was next and I didn't want to listen. I didn't want to fight people. I knew it was gonna happen, but I wasn't prepared, not like this. I didn't even know how to shoot a gun and if I did, I wouldn't want to use it.

Rick walked or and Carl left too. "We should attack first." Michonne said.

"I agree with the samurai. He won't know we're coming." Merle added.

"We should just leave. If we are on the road he can have the prison and we won't have to fight." Carol said as Hershel nodded.

"We don't have to leave." I said looking to them. I was going to propose my answer from earlier. "We hide. We make it look like we are gone. We get them inside and we end it." I said looking to them.

"I'll talk to Rick. See what he thinks about it." Hershel said as he hobbled out.

We had two days to figure it out. And for two days most of us sat around and waited. Something was off. I didn't know what was holding Rick back from making a decision.

We headed out to block off as much as we could. Michonne thought we should make it even more difficult for them to come in then it should. It was good plan since Rick only told us that we were fighting. We blocked up obnoxiously as much as we could.

"Want to learn to shoot?" Carl asked looking at me.

"I guess I should." I sighed slightly.

"We can't use too many bullets so I'll give you three with a silencer." He said as we walked to the gate. "You can practice with the walkers or munchers." He said as I smiled lightly. "You'll have to learn to shoot something moving." He said looking to me. "Do you know how to hold it?"

I looked to him. I put the gun up proplerly. "My dad taught me how to hold it. He would never teach me to shoot it." I said looking at a muncher. I shot at it as it let out a quiet whistle.

The bullet went into its chest and the gun, which was a pistol, kicked back. It didn't hurt but it felt weird. "When you aim, aim a little higher than the head. The bullet goes down when you shoot. Make sure to stay steady. Hold it forward more like this." He said as he adjusted my arms. "It'll keep the kick back from hurting." I looked to him and he looked to me before backing away.

I aimed at the same one with the instructions he gave me and I put my weight on the gun. I shot it and the muncher fell. "Hmm." I sighed lightly. I aimed for another with my last bullet. It went straight to the ground.

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