Chapter 8: How Annoying

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"Hey." Michonne said shaking me lightly to wake me up. "We are going on a run. Let's go." She said looking to me.

"Who all is going?" I asked as I sat up. She handed me a brush and I brushed my hair.

"Me, you, Rick, and Carl." She answered.

"You know he agitates me." I said looking at her with a sigh.

"I want you with me just in case the governor decides to stop by when we aren't here." She said looking to me as I got up. She went out to get more supplies.

I curled my blanket up and put it in my bag and grabbed some knives. Rick gave me a holster so I could carry them in there instead of my pockets. I still had one in my boot just in case.

We walked out and went into a car. I sat in the back next to Carl. I kept my legs criss cross and looked out the window. After driving a little while we came across a man. He yelled for help but we drove by. Carl and I both looked to the man as he tried to catch up but couldn't. We got to a stop with cars in the road. Michonne tried to drive around and then ended up getting stuck in mud. All of a sudden munchers surrounded the car.

"Cover your ears." Rick said to us as he clicked his gun and we did as he said. He shot them until there were none left. We got out and I looked through the suitcases on top of the car as they tried to get the car out of the mud. It was nothing but clothes and a few other things. I grabbed some deodorant and a few of the brushes from the case.

"Hey! Please don't leave!" The man from earlier showed up again.

"Lets go." Rick said calmly as we got into the car. I felt bad for him but he was honestly better out here then stuck in the mud like we were. Literally and metaphorically. Michonne revved the engine and we got out of the mud.

We kept driving until we made it to a place called king county. Rick seemed to know exactly where we were going. "Been here before?" I asked looking at him.

"We used to live here." He replied. We got to the sheriff station and walked in. "This is where I worked." He said as we went in to find the whole place looted completely.

"Any other stations in town?" Michonne asked picking up a empty bullet.

"No this was it. It wasn't a big town." Rick said scratching the back of his head. "We could look at the local bar. They had some guns under the counter that only I knew about. There won't be as much as there was here but-"

"We need as much as was here." She responded. "Same with ammo too." She replied.

"They might still be there. Do you have a problem with that approach?" Rick asked Michonne as I looked up to him confused by the sudden sass.

"No Rick. I don't have a problem." Michonne answers with no sass whatsoever. It was almost worse then usual, but it was calm on the surface. She handed him a dead bullet before she walked out. I looked from Rick to Carl and then I left.

They both followed soon after and we walked into town. There were arrows leading us in but we didn't know what they were. We got closer and saw the town area covered in spikes. Things like "just listen" and "go away asshole" were written on the walls around us.

"It looks like someone already made this theirs." Michonne said as I saw a rat squealing in a cage. It was like the person wanted walkers to show up.

"Doesn't mean they found what we're looking for." Rick responded as we kept walking. "Couple of the places are just up ahead. Let's get in and get the hell out of here."

I took my knife out of my holder just in case there were in surprises in the various spear ingested cars. I heard a muncher behind us and Michonne got ready to get it.

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