Chapter 13: High

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I spent most of my time the next few weeks learning everything I could from Hershel. A man who we called Dr. S showed up. It gave me the option from learning from a real doctor.

Don't get me wrong, Hershel was great and he cared for me, but he was a veterinarian so he didn't know all the fancy stuff that a surgeon would. Michonne found a little journal so I was able to write down everything I had been learning.

Other than talking about me, the prison was growing. The council agreed to allowing newcomers and there were many people of all sorts of ages and races. Daryl found most of them.

Beth even found herself a boyfriend which made me happy because they really did look cute together. There was only one kid Carl and I's age and his name was Patrick. Since Beth was busy with her new guy Zach I spent more time with them. Patrick was very nice but he was a nerd. He had glasses and everything which I applauded for being able to keep them so long.

Michonne still was outside a lot and the walkers were building up on the fences. We have a fence duty now and they take care of most of them. When Michonne was back she usually brought Carl and I special things. It was usually pudding for Carl, Hershey bars for me, and comics for the both of us.

I still wore long sleeves. From what I knew, only Rick, Hershel, Carl, and Michonne knew about it. After one of her runs Rick told her and she demanded to see. She told me almost the same thing Carl did, to own it, but I wasn't there. Not yet.

I was eating at the picnic tables outside. The outside was looking great. The plants were growing and we even had pigs and chickens. We had water stations and a gathering area.

I was next to Dr. S. He was a middle eastern man who was probably in his early thirties, but I didn't ask.

"So to see strep you check for red dots and prickly tongues. Got it." I said as I wrote it down.

"And you feel for inflammation." He held the side of his throat. "If this part is larger then it is right now on anyone then they probably have it." He replied as I nodded and felt my neck. I wrote it down in the book.

"Okay I'll just take that for today. Let me know when you have another patient." I smiled to him.

"I always do." He replied with a chuckle. I looked at my book and ate some more. I knew a little about a lot of different things. I learned about what I knew first. Burns, Cuts, and Appendicitis. That last was one that I couldn't really learn until it happened. I finished eating and saw Daryl walking and practically everyone was saying hello.

I brought my plate to Carol who was washing dishes. "Thank you." She said kindly as she took the plate and Daryl stood there with Patrick talking to him.

"I'd just like to shake your hand." Patrick said as Daryl licked the food off his fingers and shook the boy's hands. Patrick smiled to me before starting to wash the dishes.

"You're the most popular kid in the whole school." I smiled looking at him.

"I don't need both of y'all on my back." He replied with a click of his tongue.

Carol and I chuckled before they both left to do something. I walked down the pathway and looked over to the fences to see the build up of walkers. I wasn't going to lie, I officially picked up the habit of calling them that which Carl always seemed to remind me of.

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