Chapter 18: Close Enough

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Lizzie offered to carry the baby bag for me which I was grateful for. We followed the tracks just walking for a while. Mika explained how she protected her sister and didn't run away which made her very proud.

I wasn't sure if they would make it. Mika was very kind. She didn't seem like she'd ever hurt anything. Lizzie on the other hand didn't see them as monsters. She thought they were just different types of people or something. Mika saying she was trying harder was good because she knew what needed to happen.

"Hey I forgot to say. There is some food and water in my bag." Carol said as she took it off and Tyresse went through it and got out some water. Tyresse gave Lizzie and Mika some and then me. "I'm glad you got out. I didn't see you leave."

"I wasn't there. I was still out looking when I came back." She explained as she took a sip of water. I moved Judith to my other arm.

"Did you see it?" Tyresse asked looking to Carol.

"The end of it. I saw you run and then Lyla Rose in the same direction so I followed her and then got to you." She explained simply.

"You found us." Mika smiled lightly.

"I knew you would." Lizzie looked to Carol happily. I followed behind the girls who held each other's hands. I always wanted a sibling when I was younger. Now I was glad I didn't have one because it was another person I didn't want to lose.

I noticed Tyresse bleeding. "Are you okay?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah just got hurt at the prison." He replied simply.

"When we get a break I'll patch it up. If we find tree sap we can use it as ointment." I insisted.

"How do you know that?" He asked surprised.

"Dr. S taught me some stuff." I answered with a smile.

"Look." Lizzie said as we got to a small overpass and saw a sign on the side.

"Sanctuary for all. Community for all. Those who arrive survive." Mika read as there was a map with Terminus labeled on it.

"You really think it's safe?" I asked looking at Carol and Tyresse.

"There's only one way to find out." Tyresse smiled lightly to me and then to the other girls.

"We should camp here and then keep going in the morning." Carol said looking to me. "I'll keep watch." She said.

"No. I'll do it." I replied looking to her. "You watched last night. It's my turn." I explained.

She nodded lightly. "We'll keep watch together. Just in case I fall asleep." I smiled lightly with a single nod.

"The rest of you get some sleep." Carol instructed as they nodded. We waited out the night.

"How you holding up?" She asked caringly and quietly as Judith slept on her. Carol, Tyresse, and I took turns with her but it was usually us two.

I sighed lightly. "As well as I can." I looked down.

"I'm sorry about everything. I knew you were really close to Hershel." She looked to me.

"Yeah. He was a good person. He didn't deserve that." I shook my head.

"Did you see anyone else?" She asked looking to me.

"I saw Beth run away. I think I saw Daryl at one point by the tank but I wasn't sure. Other than that I saw Michonne run in but that was it." I shrugged lightly. "I wish I saw more of them." I sighed. "I wish I saw Rick and Carl." I added quieter. "They're probably wondering where Judith is."

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