Chapter 12: Been Better

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A week or two went by and Carl and me had gotten closer. We had been nicer to each other saying hi and stuff like that. It was nice to see him not completely angry all the time. We had started to grow plants and found some animals.

I'd been on three runs since. We were in the search for food especially. We found a lot at first so it was going well. We were starting to take more people in as we cleared more cell blocks.

We found the bathrooms too so we were able to hook up the water pipes to the fresh water stream we found and voila. Showers. It was nice being able to do all of it.

I spent a lot of my time worrying about Michonne. She kept going out in search of the governor and I was constantly worried and I think Carl was beginning to notice too. Even he was worried about her.

Since the attack Rick wouldn't allow Carl a gun. He needed time to get his sanity back and he was understanding of it after a while. Rick wasn't doing as many runs and he started farming.

I on the other hand was on clean up duty most the time. We would clear cell blocks and I had to clean the blood. I wasn't really mad about it but it wasn't my favorite thing to do. We had D block almost completely cleared.

I took a shower and looked in the mirror after. I looked at my arms. They were gross. Scars from a fire lined around them. I got dressed and looked at my hair. It was getting long. I couldn't put it all the  way up because the scars reached my neck. I liked them hidden. I put half of it in a ponytail and braided it down.

I walked out to the cafeteria. It was almost dinner time. There were a few things the main people had to talk about. We started a group leadership. Rick, Carol, Hershel, Glenn, Daryl, and Sasha.

We ate with everyone but the woodburians were on one side and we were on the other. My meal was a can of corn. We had more people which meant less food for each. The plants were still growing so we had to really on runs.

I ate with everyone else, we were all content with each other. I wasn't mad at Rick anymore because Michonne was back and I began to understand why he did what he did. Daryl I was more upset for.

Merle had zombified but he slowed down the Governor from what I heard. I didn't like Merle but Daryl didn't deserve that pain. He was a good person too.

"I'm thinking since we've been finding more food we should let some people in." He suggested as Rick nodded.

"Well how do we know if we should trust them?" Rick asked looking to him.

"We ask them three questions." Daryl suggested. "Ask me how many walkers they killed, how many people, and why." He explained. "If we still don't trust em then we don't take em."

"Who would go get these people?" Rick asked trying to get more information.

"I would." Daryl responded.

"Well have a meeting about it then we will let you know." Rick responded. It was a very leaderly thing.

After eating I hung out with Beth and Judith. Beth was usually taking care of her which was nice. We talked about normal things. Especially things we liked before.

We had a lot in common other than singing. We both liked chocolate chip cookies, our favorite subject in school was math, and we both were strong. Beth hadn't had the chance to show that yet but I knew she'd fight to survive if anything else were to happen.

After talking for a while I walked out and noticed it was dark. My room was a few cells away. I walked into my room and saw a figure there. I took a deep breath in fright and realized it was Carl.

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