Chapter 11: It Wouldn't Last

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The night went by and I laid there awake. After a while I decided to go outside and keep watch with whoever was there. I looked outside and saw Maggie. I hadn't talked to her much even though I'd gotten close with Beth.

"Hey." I said looking at her as she turned to me.

"Hey." She smiled lightly. "Couldn't sleep?" She asked as I shook my head. "That's why I took the night shift." She said as I stood next to her as she tried to look around.

"When do you think they'll be back?" I asked looking to her.

"Hopefully in the morning if we're lucky. If they figured everything out they probably camped somewhere for the night." She answered looking to me as I nodded. That makes sense.

"I hope they find Andrea and bring her back." I said looking to Maggie.

"Yeah me too." Maggie answered truthfully. "Before the prison we were living on my daddy's farm. It got overrun but she saved Carol out there." Maggie explained to me.

"She's a good person. I knew that since when we first met." I responded looking to her.

"How did you meet?" Maggie asked looking to me.

It wasn't the most heartfelt story. "Well I was looking for food and Michonne found me and wanted the medicine I had. She forced me back to their camp where she raided my stuff and then I sort of threatened Michonne and then Andrea said not to and that they wouldn't hurt me if I helped." I told Maggie looking at her.

"You threatened them?" She asked surprised.

"With a knife to the throat." I mumbled looking down. "Not my best moment but I didn't know them so-"

"So you had no choice. I understand." She nodded. "If you're by yourself you don't know who to trust." I nodded. She was exactly right. "I saw those gashes in the door by the overpass walkway." She said looking over to me.

"Yeah. I heard I almost knocked Rick down before that. I didn't really mean to try and hurt him." I explained. "It was more of a way of saying I was angry."

"Well I think it's better to take it out on the door than a person." She advised looking to me. "I can tell you've been through a lot Lyla. I think you're very tough and brave for what you've been through."

"You don't even know the half of it." I sighed lightly with a smile looking at her. "Thank you Maggie."

"Your welcome." She smiled as she looked past the fence. "Now go back inside and try to rest up a little, okay?"

I nodded. "Goodnight." I kindly smiled.

"Night." She said back.

I walked inside and went to bed. I knew who I was going to go to if I ever needed advise again ever. All the Greene's where very nice people and I'm grateful to know them.

I laid in bed and got maybe two or three hours of sleep I woke up and walked out to wait for them to come back.

"They're coming!" Glenn said as the cars came up. There was Daryl, the truck, and a large boarded bus. I wondered who was in it.

The cars drove up to the prison and Glenn and Maggie opened the gate. Michonne sat at the side of the car and I went over to her. Something was wrong.

"What happened?" I asked looking to her. She looked up to me and sighed sadly. "Was if Andrea?" I asked as it was the first thing to pop into my head.

Michonne nodded. "She got bit. I sat with her before she shot herself." Michonne said looking to me. I hugged her from where she sat.

"She's in a better place now. I have to believe it." I admitted looking to her.

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