Ch. 8~ Poison and Antidotes

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~Emily's POV~

I sat on the couch with Calum watching reruns of The Walking Dead. Ashton and CeCe were on the couch across us. Michael came down the stairs, sighing loudly and running his hands down his face. He strolled into the kitchen, so we all stood and followed him.

"What's wrong, mate?" Ashton leaned on the island where Michael was sitting.

"She saw the hate. All of it," he mumbled.

"What did she say about it?" I asked.

"She cried, started asking why and if she really did look like that. The only thing I could tell her was not to believe them."

"How do you think this will affect your relationship in the long run?" Calum spoke.

Michael sighed, "I'm scared we are going to end up as strangers once more. That she won't be able to handle it, all the hate. We need each other. The thing I'm most scared of is the depression. What if it consumes her entirety? What if she isn't even alive in the next nine months?"

"Michael!" gasped CeCe. "You can't think tha-"

"It's possible!" He retorted, then sniffled. "That is what scares me."

"I was right about the self-harm," CeCe whispered. "Wasn't I?"

Michael nodded, and for the first time in my life, I saw Michael Clifford cry. It was one of those times where you try your hardest not to cry, so only a few tears escape, but we could all sense his despondent attitude. "They aren't on her wrists," his voice ached. "It's the thighs and hips. She told me they were from the accident, but I don't know how much I believe that."

Ashton laid a hand on his shoulder, "I really wish I knew how to comfort you, mate. We all do."

We all became quiet as we heard footsteps on the top of the stairs. When we looked up, Emma was standing at the top. She was playing with the hem of her shirt and wiping her eyes, her head down the whole time.

"I had a nightmare," she mumbled, reminding me of a small child. "When I woke up, I realized it was my reality."

Michael stood up from his position and ran up the stairs to her. He wrapped her in his arms and whispered into her ear. Eventually, they had retreated back to their bedroom.

"They won't break up," CeCe said. "It'd be to hard on both of them."

"I hope you're right," I flopped back onto the couch.


I opened my eyes and rolled over. Next to me was a snoring Calum. I draped an arm over his bare chest and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"Good morning, babe," Calum whispered, his voice raspy and quiet.

"Morning," I hummed.

He played with the hem of the t-shirt I was wearing, "You know how cute you look in my clothes, right?"

I nodded and giggled as he spoke again, "But even cuter without clothes."

"Hey!" I squealed.

"I had a lot of fun last night," he sighed.

"Of course you did," I chuckled.

"Is it still supposed to rain all day?"

I nodded my head, "It's a storm rolling off of the Pacific. They said it could last a couple more days."

"Then lets just lay here and cuddle," he whispered. "We don't have to meet the guys until 10."

He checked his phone, "It is 9:54."

"Calum!" I tried to sit up, but he grabbed me. "We need to leave! Oh my god! You are only wearing boxers, all I'm wearing is your t-shirt."

"Hey," he whispered, "it's okay. They will tell us to get ready whenever they want. Lets just lay here for now."

That is what we did. I lazily traced the tattoo on his collarbone as he ran his hand up and down my thighs. He squeezed my bum as a joke, causing me to laugh.

"You got a cute butt," Calum laughed.

"You too, mister," I laughed.

"Mmm," he groaned, "call me daddy."

"You," I laughed, "are so weird."

"You know you want to," he laughed, rolling over.

"Not really," I furrowed my eyebrows, watching him straddle my hips.

"But babe," he pouted.

"We just did this last night, Calum," I laughed.

"So?" he whined. "I'm a teenage boy. I run off of hormones."

I laughed at his comment, "Are you always horny?"

"As long as I'm with you," Calum smirked, but laughed afterwards.

He leaned down to connect his lips with my own. It started out very innocent and sweet until Calum bit my bottom lip. I chuckled and kissed him back a bit roughly.

"You know you're fucking hot," Calum grunted, "right?"

I laughed, "Now I do."

I eventually found myself pinned to the mattress. Calum and I were full on making out. His bare torso kept mine pressed against the bed. His legs were over my hips, straddling my waist.

"Oh my god," Ashton said from outside our door, "I think they're having sex."

We both laughed and broke away from one another. As I stood, Calum pinched my bum and I squealed, "Aye!"

"Get your asses down!" Emma yelled. "And put some fucking clothes on!"

I quickly changed into some jeans and Drop Dead t-shirt. Calum was wearing black skinny jeans and a Blink-182 tank top. I jumped on to his back, forcing him to carry me downstairs.

"There are the sex addicts!" Jack yelled from the living room.

We each laughed, "Hey guys! What are you doing here?"

"We decided to take a break from writing for a day," Alex shrugged and Rian finished for him, "We're all just gonna hang today."

Alex, Jack, and Michael decided on watching The Conjuring; apparently Jack wanted a 'thrill'. As I laid on the floor, I looked up at Emma and Michael. She was sleeping-something she had been doing a lot of lately. Michael was intently watching her as if this was the last time he would be able to hold her-even look at her. His eyes-ridden with sorrow-made your heart ache when you looked at them. That relationships hey had was unhealthy for both of them. It caused Emma to have a false hope. Michael was forced to watch his love tear herself apart. That relationship needed to end, but that would only result in chaos. They were each others poison and antidote. Either way, they would both be hurt.

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