Ch. 16~ Boobs and Anxiety

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~Emma's POV~

"I don't want to leave," I sighed.

"But isn't this what you wanted?" Michael whispered over the speaker.

"I wanted it with you."

"I know babe," he frowned, "and I'm sorry."

"I'm not going to see you for so long," I whispered.

He walked from the windowsill to his bed I was lounged upon. He sat on the edge of the bed as I stared at his ceiling covered in glow-in-the-dark stars. Michael collapsed next to me-his eyes trained on his ceiling as well.

"Let's go on a drive," he whispered. "Make the most of tonight. We'll take the long way home, because this is our last night together for awhile and I don't want to spend my time alone."

"I have to be back by 10 in the morning," I whispered.

"Then we'll be back by then," he sat up grabbing my hand. "Emma, please. Just you and me."

I laughed as he begged like a child, "What do you want to eat?"

"Can we just take peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? I'm not that hungry," he looked at me.

I smiled at the childish boy, "I'm gonna miss you." I leant over to kiss him softly, "Pack up some things. I'm going to make some sandwiches."

I reached over to grab my sweatpants, but Michael grabbed my hand, "No one is home-remember? Kaitlyn is at Luke's, and my aunt and uncle are on vacation."

"You just want to see my ass," I rolled my eyes.

"And that too," he chuckled. "Now let's get going."


I had missed Michael's Jeep. The soft, black, worn leather of the seats was something I found comforting when everything else was changing. He had the roof covering our heads, but every window was down. My hair was whipping in the wind behind me as we both sang along to Green Day.

"Do you want to stop down here? We've been going for a few hours now," Michael stated.

"Sure," I shrug.

I exit the car and can't help but feel nostalgic. I had never been to this beach before, but it reminded me so much of the one I had always visited with my friends. The way the waves softly crashed against the shore, and the way a thick forest-teeming with life-surrounded the little paradise.

We sat on the beach in a peaceful bliss as the water washed over our toes. Michael quietly hummed along to music playing from his phone lying in the sand. I decided on cracking open a beer from the cooler behind me.

"Will you promise me when things get rough you'll call me before you hurt yourself?"

I slowly drew geometric patterns in the sand, "I can't promise you that, Michael. Sometimes I can't control myself."

"At least go to one of the ATL guys-preferably Alex, he knows how to handle it," Michael whispered.

"Michael, can we please leave anxiety out of the conversation?" I settle my head between his shoulder and neck. "Just for one night, can we just live with nothing holding us back? Just you, me, and the music."

He nodded his head, "Yeah, we can do that. I'm sorry I brought it up."

"It's ok," I whispered. My eyes fluttered shut as I listened to everything around me. Michael quietly sang along to The Front Bottoms flowing from his phone laying next to him. His breathy voice calmed my entire being. The ocean lightly crashed on the shore and the cool water washed over our feet.

"Will you come out to see us?" Michael asked.

"Of course, Michael," I scoffed. "I'll miss you too much."

"I knew you'd say that," he chuckled and I found myself staring at the beautiful boy in front of me. I kissed his cheek softly and I noticed his eyes shut lightly. A small grin lit up his face and he leaned in closer to my presence.

"Fuck, I'm gonna miss you," he quietly sighed.

"Can we swim Michael?" I whispered. "I know neither of us really like to, but we are alone now. Please-I want to live my life tonight."

Michael smiled like an idiot, "Let's do it, babe."

I unbuttoned the flannel, which was Michael's, and let it fall to reveal a black bikini top. I noticed Michael staring at me with a blush crawling on to his cheeks.

"Hey," he put his hands up, "you know I'm a boobs guy."

I just chuckled and pulled down the denim shorts I had been wearing. A black bikini bottom covered my bum and I felt a familiar hand pinch me.

"I thought you were a boobs guy?"

"I am," he smirked proudly, "but your ass makes me rethink that sometimes."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Fuck you, you cunt."

"Hey! Don't let the Irish come out now!"

"Wanker," I mumbled. "Now c'mon!"

Michael stood in Star Wars underwear he had gotten for Christmas, "I forgot shorts ok!"

I snorted at his appearance even more, "Why are they so tight?"

"Because they're briefs," he rolled his eyes as if that's something I should've known. "You can't wear boxers with skinny jeans, Emma."

"Whatever," I laugh, "let's go!"


Michael dragged me to his car where he already had his phone playing through the speakers.

"I fucking love you," he sighed, pressing me to the side of his car.

I kissed his lips, "I'm gonna miss you so much."

My legs were wrapped around Michael's waist and his body was pressed against my own. His hands were gripping my hips, and mine were resting upon his cheeks. One of his hands reached behind me and pulled the string of my bikini.

"You fucker," I giggled, pressing my lips to his neck. I noticed the dark stubble lining his jaw, and realized how much he has matured in front of me. Suddenly, tears started falling over my eyes.

"Hey," Michael spoke, "don't cry babe. I promise it's ok."

"I'm just going to miss you so much," I cried harder, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him as close as I could.

"Emma, it'll be ok. You'll be ok. You are so strong-I know you'll get through this," he started giggling after he spoke.

"What's so funny?" I sniffled.

"Your boobs are squishy," he chuckled and I laughed through my own tears.

"I'll miss you so much," he quietly whispered, "and your D cups."

"I'll miss you too," I chuckled, kissing him again.

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