Whose Side are You on Again?

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After the Monthsary incident, a lot of things happened.

So, I’m going to start everything from the good news to the worst.

·         I haven’t received any punishment. (Yet)

·         MC and is band knew the plan failed but they said they’re willing to have another gig.

·         Vanessa and Napoleon said they’re willing to try another plan.

·         I can’t think of another plan.

·         Ria keeps on tailing me.

·         Iza is not mad at me…

·         She’s BEYOND mad.

·         Iza’s joining another pageant called…

·         Interschool Mr. and Ms. Campus Crush.

And the worst of them… Iza is in a relationship again with the son of a b*tch that devastated her when she saw he was cheating with Ria.

I’m talking about Andrew… Iza is in a relationship with Andrew, again.

“Relax…” Vanessa said soothingly as she held me in my shoulders. “Iza chose this. Andrew didn’t push her.”

“Do you think that makes the situation f*cking better?!” I almost shouted.

“Andrew promised that he won’t cheat on her anymore—“ I cut her.

“Look, you’re not getting it.” I said. “She’s having a relationship with a f*cking bastard with a lame excuse to be called as a human.”

“Well, you dated Victoria…Doesn’t that makes you the same?” Napoleon wondered loudly.

“Whose side are you on?” I snapped.

“Luis,” Vanessa held my shoulders again, this time firmer. “We’re on the same side. But getting angry won’t help anything in here…It’s Iza’s decision so we respect it. And as long as she doesn’t get hurt, we intend to keep it that way.”

“What about me?” I asked, suddenly. Then regretted it immediately, realizing I sounded selfish.

Vanessa smiled. “You know we’re always with you, Luis…” She chided. “And you’re still our best bet for Iza…So don’t put yourself down just yet.”

I smiled. “Thanks.”

The days went by faster than I had expected. Every day was the same. I enter my classroom with Iza either mad at me or ignoring me. I have lunch with Ria tailing me while I keep watching the Trio. I get to have a small time with Vanessa and Napoleon. I go home.

I’m pessimistic about myself but I’m optimistic about everything else. (Yeah, I’m weird that way). But for the first time in my life, I feel like this is something I can’t handle.

I’ve tried other ways, not as flashier as the first one, but it’s something.

My problem is this: Layers and layers of problem are stacking faster than I can solve them.

Which doesn’t keep me from wondering: What did I do wrong that fate just decided to throw me in the Iza-Ria standoff?

“Hi Luis!” Ria greeted during lunch.

“Hi.” I relied.

“Is-is there something wrong, Luis?” She asked then placed the back of her hand on my forehead then to my neck. “Do you have a fever or something?”

I shook my head, as I brought down her hand.

Ria frowned. “Are you sure?”

I gave her a reassuring smile then nodded my head.

Ria was skeptical, she continued to insist that I should go to the clinic just to be sure. I told her again that I was fine.

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“YES! I’m fine, dammit!” I snapped.

Ria was shocked, then held her head down.

I sighed. “I’m sorry, Ria…It-it’s just, I have too many problems right now.”

Ria nodded her head. Obviously still surprised at what I just did.

I stood up and hugged her. “I’m sorry…”

Ria returned my hug. “It’s okay.” She mumbled.


“I miss you, Luis…” Ria said. “It’s like you’re never here…always somewhere. I don’t know,…I just miss you.”

I kissed the top of her head.

Believe me, I want a way out of this one as much as you want too…

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