Flagpole Concert

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(For better reading experience, try to play the indicated song. It will serve both as an audio and a background music. Enjoy guys :) )

The following days were just as bad as today.

Iza is driving me crazy. I can’t concentrate, I’m always agitated.

And if that wasn’t enough, the guilt was still there. Every time I see Iza, that sharp pain somewhere in my throat and in my chest always hits me.

Ria, fortunately, doesn’t notice my agitation and/or depression…but that won’t last forever.

Vanessa and Napoleon can’t help with my problem because they’re already hands full with Iza, and if ever they have time with me, it’s not enough.

Maybe the only consolation I have is that I’m sure that Iza is fine and won’t end up anywhere like in my dream.

Maybe I shouldn’t have asked Ria to the dance…

The incident last month replayed in my head.

Man, I really deserved this. It was really stupid of me to do that. From Ria’s point of view, it might have been really sweet but it was also the same reason why Iza is acting like this.

Crazy ideas comes from crazy peoples…

And because of that crazy idea, I’m going crazy. And the only thing to stop that is to do something crazier…

I knitted my eyebrows.

Something crazier…

Hm…maybe Vanessa and Napoleon could help…

“You know the last time you did that, Iza was devastated.” Vanessa said. “Wouldn’t Victoria would have the same reaction?”

“Good for her…” Napoleon mumbled.

“Look guys…” I sighed. “I’m running out of ideas, I’m desperate.”

Surprisingly, Napoleon was the one who answered.

“We’ll support you, Luis…” He said. “Anything for Iza.”

Vanessa seemed reluctant but finally nodded.

“Fine…We’ll help.” She said.

“Thanks guys.”

Ah. The flagpole.

Every school I’ve transferred to have one. And I myself has a lot of experiences in each of them.

This year, however, might be my best.

The flagpole was located in an area wherein it is the first thing that you should see when you enter the campus, and when you exit your classrooms.

All the more reason why this is the perfect place.

I rigged the first two speakers to my guitar, which by the way has been a long time since I’ve played one.

If I danced last time, which made Iza furious at me…maybe I could sing so she could forgive me?

“You ready, man?” A boy about two years older than me with wild spiky bleach white hair, thin rimmed glasses and in a rocker getup asked me.

MC, I thought, always the excited one.

(I think you remember him, right?)

When I first cooked up this plan, I said to myself ‘I can’t do this alone.’ …fortunately, MC was more than willing to partake in my plans. And what better bros to accompany you in this kinds of plans than MC’s own band. (Yes, he has one…and a rocker needs his band.)

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