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(Iza de los Reyes Point Of View)

I rushed to the backstage, propped myself on the floor and cried.

I never knew why, but I just cried.

Maybe he got me on the ‘I broke up with Ria already’ line.

I missed Luis SO much.

Every time he makes this crazy concerts, I can’t help but to fall for him all over again.

Luiza…Oh you had no idea how cute she was.

I’ve always wanted a daughter so I named her Luiza.

Luis and Iza

It made me cry harder.

“Iza?” Someone called.

I looked up. “Yves?” My voice cracking.

“You okay?” He asked, handing me a handkerchief.

I shook my head. I took his handkerchief and wiped my tears.

“I thought Luis just confessed his love for you?” He asked. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

“I don’t know.” I mumbled. “It’s complicated.”

“Been there. Very complicated.” Yves chuckled like he mentioned an inside joke.

He sat beside me on the floor.

“You like him, don’t you?” He asked.

I nodded.

“Then go. Nothing’s wrong in taking some risks.”


“I never knew Luis, but I know he’s the type of guy that will never let go not unless you tell him to do so.”

We sat in silence.

“Yves, do you mind if –”

“You leave right now and leaving me here alone in the pageant?” He chuckled. “There would be always Pageants next year.”

“But what about you?”

“I’ll be fine.” He smiled.

I smiled then handed back his handkerchief.

“Thank you, Yves.”

Luis wasn’t talking to me in the following days. Like I wasn’t even existing.

He continues his day with this blank expression.

The worst part was that he brings Luisa everywhere. Literally everywhere.

Luiza would be displayed at his desk during classes. In the hallways, Luiza would be snugged in comfortably inside his bag, with her head and hands popping out.

I even sometimes see him talking to her…

And it pains me to see him like this. I know he loves me and I’m the only one who could solve this.

“I need to break up with you.” I told Andrew.

Andrew was barely surprised, amused even. “So you could go back to Luis? Is that it?”

“Yes.” I said firmly.

“Iza… I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“He’s changed, Andrew…”

“Sure, into what? A passive 16 year old who carries a medium sized stuff toy everywhere he goes?”

I held my face down.

“Iza, I love you but I’m not letting Luis get you.

Every day I would try to talk to Luis but every day he would just smile and leave.

Every day I ‘d try to reason out with Andrew, and every day he would say no.

I’m not the type of person who would lose hope. But for once, I wanted to get things right, so badly.

“How’s Luis?” I asked Vanessa and Napoleon once.

They both gave a sad smile.

“You still like him, don’t you?” Vanessa chuckled.

I both looked at them incredulously.

God! Luis is already beyond depression and I’m almost about to break because of this, and you still got the nerve to tease about this??

I held my head down. Realizing the answer to my question.

“Yes.” I mumbled. “I really, really do.”

Love.mp3: Track 2Where stories live. Discover now