Broment Time

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I wasn’t expecting to be receiving advices from a wild white blonde haired guy who dresses up as a rock star.

Well,… MC is a rock star, technically.

MOREOVER if he gives me an advice on where everyone else gives advice: The Arcade.

“Let me just ask you something, man.” MC said as he tried to find a comfortable position as he tries to hit me.

Final Fantasy XII Duodecim Dissidia…

The best videogame to accompany you as you talk about your love life…

“Yeah?” I asked, as I released a combo.

“F*ck.” He mumbled, smiling after I’ve managed to hit him.

“The best way to answer this is look at yourself.” He said and managed to dodge an attack of mine.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean—Sh*t!” He exclaimed, barely dodging a killing blow. “I mean, answer me: Iza or Ria?”

I guess I was thinking real deep because I managed to lose a reversal twice.

Noticing the situation, MC paused the game.

“Well?” MC coaxed.

Iza? Ria?

It’s just to choices but d*mn, it’s harder than calculus, algebra and trigonometry combined…plus all those subjects that you just couldn’t cram in your head.

“Let me help you…” MC said. “Pros and cons…Iza, pros.”

Hmm… Iza’s positive points?

“She’s sweet, caring, funny, bubbly, happy go lucky—“

“She’s everything that you look for a girl, I get it.” MC cut me.

And before I could react, “The cons?” MC asked.

“Well, she’s out of my league…” I replied immediately.

“That’s not a con.” MC shook his head.

I tried to think.

“Nothing?” MC asked. “Fine,…to continue, Ria pros…”

Well,…She’s caring…She’s, uhm, always there for me. She’s very open to me.”

He shrugged. “Fair enough…; Cons…”

“Well, it’s like she’s asking me to return the affection she’s been giving me; but in my current situation, her constant pestering was the reason why I go to sleep every night with my head feeling inside a compressor.”

MC nodded thoughtfully.

“Well, it’s very obvious…You like Iza more than Ria.” He said.

‘What?” I asked. “Dude, I may not have been giving her the attention that I should have given her but don’t get me wrong…I love her.”

MC laughed hysterically. Then looked at me.

“What?” I asked.

Then he laughed again. “Oh nothing…”

I stared at him.

MC shrugged.

“Well, I guess what they say is true: If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen for the second.”



Jeez, where does he get this?

“Hm. You know, it actually makes sense.” I said, smiling.

I immediately pressed play and unleashed a killing power move to MC.

“Sh*t!...Man, I gave you advice on your problems and this is how you repay me?” MC exclaimed incredulously.

I chuckled. And MC shared my laugh.

“Round 2?” I asked.

MC grinned. “You’re going down.”

“Hey,” He called during gameplay. “Can I ask you something?”

“You’re asking already.” I joked.

He raised his middle finger.

I chuckled. “Fine,…Ask away.”

“How much do you love Ria?” He asked.

“Well…I’m willing to die for her.” I replied, half joking.

MC nodded.

“Ironic, though.” He said. “You know, love, for me, is not ‘Romeo and Juliet’ dying together. But rather like our grandparents growing old together happily.”

I knitted my eyebrows at what he said.

“Thanks.” I smiled as I unleashed another killing combo.

MC raised his hands in surrender. YOU LOSE.

“Anytime, bro.” He exhaled, half chuckling.

Well, that didn’t help anything.

Well, it did…but it didn’t.

I mean, the quote about the second love part seems the answer to my problems, but MC just had to blurt another quote which lands me to where I was before and doubt everything again.

I opened my locker and found a note lying in front of me.

Auditorium. 4:00 pm. Don’t be late. Use back door.


The note was clearly handwritten but I couldn’t guess whose was it.

I sighed then hid the note.

“It’s not mine.” Vanessa said.

“Not mine either.” Napoleon said.

Then the note was passed back to me.

“Is it Iza’s?” I asked hopefully.

I know this isn’t her handwriting. But I’d like to be sure.

They both shook their head.

“Well, I can tell you one thing.” Vanessa offered.

“4 o’clock in the afternoon is Iza’s time for her practices for her talent portion.” She added.

“Practices? For what?”

“Interschool Mr. and Ms. Campus Crush.” They said in unison.

I sighed.


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