In her Eyes

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I said yes.


And so here I am at a bar working on my 10th…12th? 14th? Drink.

MC suggested to let it all out…and he suggested THIS. Not that I’m complaining.

And I might have been drunk already even before I got here because I had brought Luiza here with me.

Yep, I brought the Stitch stuff toy with me to drink with…problems?

She was at the top of my table staring at me while I was dumping liquor in my mouth. Vanessa and Napoleon were with MC and me and were giving me nervous looks. Probably because they were scared that I’ll do something stupid once I get drunk. Or maybe it was just the look I was giving to the stuff toy.

The thing was I can’t cry, even if I wanted to…

I just don’t feel anything.


Crazy idea time.


I stood up and walked towards the elevated platform.

They have this portion where certain artists perform. Something like a karaoke machine. I went there and tested the mic.

I searched their index of songs and found something appropriate.

I punched in the code.

MC, Vanessa and Napoleon looked at each other nervously.

What?… I’m not drunk yet! I can still talk fine… And I can still sing!


And to prove my point…The music played.


(In Her Eyes – Josh Groban)


“She stares through my shadow

She sees something more

Believes there's a light in me

She is sure…”


Yes. That’s her. The only person that I loved and the only person that I believed I was special. And I loved her for that. And for the many things that she is.

“And her truth makes me stronger

Does she realize

I awake every morning

With her strength by my side?


Tears were forming at the corners of my eyes but I tried to control it.

Yes, Iza was my only strength. My “Second Love”. My only Love.

My heart was threatening to burst, along with my throat.

I sat down on my table and looked at Luiza smiling at me.

“I am not a hero

I am not an angel

I am just a man

Man who's trying to love her

Unlike any other

In her eyes I am…”


I’m aware that my voice was breaking. And that tears were starting to pour.

But I continued.

“This world keeps on spinning

Only she stills my heart

She's my inspiration

She's my northern star.


I don’t count my possession,

All I could mine, I will give her completely

To the end of all time…”


I gave a small sob at the last word.

I hugged Luiza.

But in my eyes, I see Iza.

I didn’t take it.

I broke down. I cried.

“Iza…” I mumbled as tears flowed through my eyes.

“In her eyes, I see the sky and all I’ll ever need.

In her eyes –“


I released the mike and placed my head on top of the table, crying.

Vanessa rushed over to hug me and Napoleon rubbed my back, soothing me.

Tears were continuous but it wasn’t gushing anymore.

I clutched Luiza tightly.


“I love you…”

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