Chapter Three; Mad Woman

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Another important legend that is spread among the people of Ikebukuro, is The Black Rider. She comes and goes, riding her bike up and down the streets of Tokyo. They don't even know if the rider is a female, or a man. Nobody has ever saw her face before, just a helmet disguising her true identity, and masking her biggest secret. People argue that she is not even a human being. But, they all agree on one thing that the mad rider gets the most nastiest jobs done. If she's after a target, they never come back to see the life they once knew. Citizens either fear or, respect her. Her tasks are either viewed heroic, or a ruthless crime. But, in reality her odd jobs don't match up with her conscious or, her mind lacks apathy. No it's neither. The mad rider is focused on one priority to care about, and that one priority is to find her head that once sat on her shoulders. The mad woman who zips around Ikebukuro isn't a human. Behind her helmet is an headless reaper searching for her head. The headless reaper's name is Celty Sturluson.

The nights seem to grow livelier in Ikebukuro for Celty thanks to a certain person called Izaya Orihara. Izaya's events mainly prowl around in the night like a predator on the hunt. His owl like eyes sees the chaos that his soul yearns for. Of course during the day, his main goal is to take Shizuo's peace away from him like taking candy from a baby. Anyway, the wind snugged against Celty's leather pants stuck to her skin as she drove back to Shinra's. Shinra Kishitani is an doctor who works for underground surgeries for criminals because of his lack of education, his occupation is an illegal doctor. Shinra is Celty's roommate and the person than makes her heart skip a beat. They have been living under the same roof for 20 something years, enjoying the atmosphere between them. They've been in each other's company since.

Shinra being Celty's guy to fall back to in her troubles, and the man she grew to love. Shizuo is Celty's strength and best friend whom she learned to trust, and enjoy. That's why she hates keeping a secret from Shizuo about her odd jobs from Izaya Orihara. She doesn't know what exactly went on, or what's between them at the moment. But, deep down she has a feeling there might be something hidden under the surfaces of hatred. Like some sense of amusement they get off each other. Izaya loving danger, and Shizuo loving to test his strength. They both seem to find excitement even though sparks of rage is stimulating off the two males. Maybe if they was stuck under the same roof as Shinra and I for 22 years.. Maybe then. Celty thought for she used to get irritated at Shinra too until, she started noticing some aspects to him she adored and fell in love with. Izaya does do a perfect job wheeling in Shizuo's emotions. Celty stared into the stars before heading to Shinra's place. Her keys in her hands as they rattled when she walked. Her high heel boots clacking with every step she takes up the stairs. To be greeted by Shinra.

Shinra walked back outside with her. As, the two got used to their surroundings. They could of sworn to see stars, and the moon align with one another. Just how they felt with each other. Celty got on the bike, Shinra following shortly after. Wrapping his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder enjoying the blissful warmth that radiated of her body. She was the only star out in the dark Shinra ever loved.

The two sped off in the dark to go to a Sushi Joint with a russian blackman employer named Simon Brezhnev that their friends with. Where they would meet an ex bartender, and long time friend. Acquainted with a innocent, russian, blonde girl with eyes of an assassin, and skills of a killer named Vorona. Oddly, Vorona's attractions to Shizuo is also the same spark of interest, and curiosity that Izaya has for Shizuo. They both are amazed with Shizuo's ability of strength beyond humans reach. Izaya's excuse to alienate Shizuo from humans. And Vorona's reason to be infatuated with him.

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