Chapter Nineteen; EveryBody Talks

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Today was the day were the special event was held at Simon's sushi place. It was packed folks from Ikebukuro and also young students from close by areas. Mostly wealthy high class girls attended if they weren't from Ikebukuro. Simon wasn't the only one hosting this event displayed at his restaurant but also a group of young rich boys that lived close by. The group of boys were known as one of the greatest hosts in Ikebukuro. With their high fashioned up to date trends, tricks up their sleeves, and a study bank account budget dedicated to their club. They were known as the Highschool Ouran Host Club. The host club is located in Bunkyo, Tokyo which is a 11-12 minute car ride to Ikebukuro. The members in the club are known as; Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka, and Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka.

Tamaki walked through the doors with a blood red rose swirling in his hand. Giving it to the closest girl he could find. He had many more roses to pass out anyway. He winked at this girl with glasses and short, black choppy hair. A blush tinted her cheeks as she stared down to the floor. "What's your name my princess? For I am so captivated in your beauty. I must oh greatly know out of my curiosity." Tamaki sighed. "... Anri.." "Mmmm.. Is that so? Such a precious name suited for a very beautiful breathtaking young lady so as yourself." Tamaki smiled taking her hand before kissing it. Anri's eyes widened. "Oi! There's only one lady's man!" Kida Masaomi exclaimed. Making the ouran host club fangirls squeal in excitement. "Yep, I'm the only man in Ikebukuro that the lady's want! And the feeling is mutual! Isn't that right Anri!" The high school boy wrapped his arm around the girl chuckling. Anri smiled laughing at her other new best friend. The fangirls cheered at the two blondes. Kyoya just rolled his eyes. "Tamaki, move along please." Tamaki waved his hand absorbing the girls attention then, his eyes fell on Shizuo talking to a girl wearing a leather biker suit.

"Cousin!" He shrieked running towards Shizuo. Wrapping his arms around the taller more masculine blonde. With an over kill hug. Oof! Shizuo groaned, "Tamaki.." "Shizu-Senpai! It's been such a long time! Who is this charming lady you were associating with?! Her helmet with kitty ears contains bundles of cuteness!" Shizuo rolled his eyes. "Come! Shizu-Senpai Let me introduce to you my club, and family!" Shizuo sighed before departing his best friend and headed off with the leader of the host club.

As they walked along to wherever Tamaki was going. Shizuo had over heard faint whispers and giggles from the ladies, "Look! That's Tamaki's manly cousin." "Ah! He's so cool and hot!" Shizuo shook his head unamused with the situation. He came across 6 males and 2 females. Which he already knew the two females were Izaya's younger sisters. "Shizu-Senpai, these people are; Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, Honey, and Mori. Oh the lovely gals are Mairu, and Kururi. Guys, this is my cousin." Shizuo's cousin proclaimed smiling the whole time. "Hello, Shizuo. I hope you find a liking to this club it's better for business reasons if you do." A dark haired male with glasses chuckled. "I hate to tell you but I won't be much help. I'm just a bodyguard for a few people on the street." Shizuo sighed. Kyoya's eyes flashed with interest. "You're a bodyguard for a profession? Tamaki is so weak and yet, you are wow.. You two are very different. I'm Kyoya as he mentioned." Shizuo nodded smiling, "Yes, Tamaki does mention you a lot on the phone. Thanks to you I don't have to hear him whine like a little bitch." Shizuo chuckled. Tamaki looked offended, "Shizu-Senpai! How cruel!" He whined. Shizuo's eyes directed toward the female set of twins. "Shouldn't you go find your brother?" Shizuo asked. "Nah, Shizu-Senpai it's a party! Don't be so tense!" Tamaki stated. A voice stirred behind them interfering their conversation, "This is reality. Don't be so oblivious." Shizuo knew who it was. "Ah! Hello, who are you?" Tamaki grinned. "Izaya Orihara." The brunette grinned smiling devilishly at him standing close to Shizuo. But his attention was no longer on Shizuo's cousin instead, his eyes landed on the hitachiin twins. "Who are they?" Izaya spoke annoyed. "This is Hikaru!" Mairu grinned warmly. "And this is Kaoru." Kururi whispered. The two red haired boys gave him a menacing smile. Izaya gave them a piercing look. Then, he closed his eyes and sighed waving his hand in the air, "I'm their older brother." Izaya then smirked at them before turning to Shizuo, "Like I said all twins are evil." The brunette took Shizuo's hand pulling him away from them into the crowd. Shizuo smiled down feeling Izaya's presence by his fingers intertwined with his own.

The two males went to a spacious area where there wasn't many people. Izaya's arms wrapped around Shizuo's neck. As, Shizuo's arms snaked around Izaya's waist. They started to sway together in beat with the melodic sound coming from the crowd. "You wanted to dance in a cheesy way." Shizuo chuckled. "Yea, I suppose I did. Your cousin is a airheaded goofball." Izaya teased. Shizuo nodded agreeing, "No shit." "I like you a lot, Shizu-Chan. You're not an over kill. You barely get in touch with your romantic sense yet, stay away from the boredom reality that we live in. It's entertaining to feel and watch." Izaya grinned whole heartedly. Closing the space between him and Shizuo. Shizuo's arms gripped around him tighter pulling him closer to his body. And Izaya unfolded one of his arms cupping Shizuo's cheek. The other was snaked up to his hair. Shizuo leaned down pressing his lips on Izaya's. The brunette felt his lips connect onto his. So he kissed back the lips that were kissing him. Warmness flooded through his body as he did so. 'Shizu-Chan sure is sweet.' Izaya thought to himself. He heard a cough from a nearby distance. But Izaya didn't care until, he felt coldness brush on his lips. Izaya opened his eyes to see Shizuo was still holding him but everyone's eyes was on them.

The biggest surprised that had ever mind blown Ikebukuro citizen's minds took place that evening. Where they witnessed the two enemies that had hunted each other down for years now, kissing each other happily in the sushi restaurant. The citizen's eyes widened and their jaws hung open. Everything was quiet. Til, the fangirls clapped their hands and squealed happily staring at the yaoi displayed before their very own eyes. Tamaki had a girlish guy wrapped in his arms as he swirled him(her) around yelling, "Haruhi could you believe it?! My cousin found love!" Causing Izaya to burst up into fits of giggles. Shizuo blushed embarrassed.

"I'm glad you two had finally came to your senses. Now since, this feud had been put behind you. We shall celebrate 2 lives being saved from the temptations of killing one another." Simon spoke proudly. Izaya smirked at Simon while, Shizuo nodded. Izaya's face expression had turned sour as he watched Shinra laugh his ass off in the distance. "I'm going to-" Izaya growled taking out his switchblade before running towards the direction of his target. "Izaya!" Shizuo barked chasing down the angry brunette.

Shinra smirked at Izaya coming towards him with his signature knife. Izaya was about to slice him but Shizuo grabbed him yanking him back. "Shizu-Chan." Izaya whined. Izaya stood beside Shizuo leaning into his side. "I'm a little offended by you keeping this a secret Izaya." Shinra pouted. "Shut up, you're just as bad as lying as I am! You know that I keep a lot of secrets from you." Izaya scoffed. "As, your best friend from high school. I should be a little hurt by that comment. But, you're right I don't care. I'm only concerned with my beloved Celty-San!" Shinra cupped his hands together daydreaming about his headless reaper girlfriend. "Blah!" Izaya made a sickening sound with disgust written all over his face. Shinra shrugged stating, "I'm just in love." "Yea, but I also think you're an obsessive creepy nerd." Izaya joked making Shizuo laugh.

The men turned when they heard high heeled boots tap the ground. "Celty-San!" Shinra smiled warmly. The biker girl had her phone out in her hand wanting answers from the two other males. Her text had said, 'How long had this been going on? How long have you kept this secret?' "Actually, only a day. You see when I told you I had a boyfriend. Shizu-Chan didn't even know where we stood on. He saw me as his little bitch or something." Izaya grunted, staring coldly up at his boyfriend. Shizuo put his arms up in an surrender fashion. "Hey! I didn't know we were mutual!" He spoke defensively. "You told me you loved me remember? I told you that I loved you back! How is that confusing to you?" Izaya snorted amused. Then, the brunette continued on to what he was saying. "Anyway, Shizu-Chan didn't lie to you. He just didn't know he had a boyfriend at the time." Izaya stated. Shizuo blushed harder looking down at his face. Shinra started to chuckle at the two. Celty's black leather gloved hand covered her helmet before shaking her head. She couldn't believe she was stuck with a bunch of idiots.

Simon came to greet all of them shortly after. The five walked to the well known area most people eat at. "So, do you love each other?" Simon asked happily of his two friends. "Yes, I love Izaya." Shizuo admitted. "Oh yes, I love myself too." Izaya smirked. "But, I love Shizu-Chan more." Shizuo shook his head grinning to himself. Izaya's eyes glanced up at his boyfriends. That day, Izaya Orihara was the new member of the gang. Now the squad was made up of a russian sushi maker, an headless reaper, an illegal doctor, an ex bartender, and a narcissistic psycho.

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