Chapter Seventeen; The Kiss

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Shizuo opened his eyes wearily gazing down at the man who curled up against him. He shifted his body til' he felt a sharp sting pain shoot in his wrist. Causing him to fall on the floor of from the bed as, he shrieked. Shortly after, he watched in panic when, he saw Izaya tumbling off the bed fall. Clashing onto him, Shizuo grunted raspily. The brunette opened his eyes jumping off Shizuo like a startled cat. Shizuo yelped and Izaya screamed both remembering about the handcuffs attached to them. "Stop!" The blonde yelled. "Oh haha, what a wake up call." Izaya chuckled darkly. "It was your idea!" Shizuo growled. "Ah Shizu-Chan! We're fighting like an married-" "Izaaaaayyyyaaa.." Izaya grinned and shook his head making a tsk sound. "We can't do this remember?" He dangled his hand flashing the metal handcuff on his wrist. Shizuo nodded and recollected his calmness.

The two walked down the stairs in search for the key that laid in Izaya's coat pocket. Izaya picked the huge, fluffy, black fur coat from the floor, receiving the key from the pocket before, unlocking their hands from the handcuffs. Shizuo sighed in relief as, he felt the painful tension leave his wrist. Izaya flashed a smirk at the blonde. "Shizu-Chan, I'm going to clean up. So excuse me." "Wait!-" Izaya had interrupted Shizuo. "Don't worry. Our next stop is at your place, Shizu-Chan." After, Izaya took a hot shower, and cleaned up his appearance. He once again greeted the blonde. "Okay, let's go." Izaya grabbed his house key and stuffed in his coat pocket where his knife also was. Before, the two headed off to the blonde's house.

Once when they gone through Shizuo's door, Shizuo rushed straight into the bathroom. Leaving Izaya alone in the livingroom. The brunette's eyes scanned the room sharply, surprised at all the empty alcohol bottles laying around. Izaya's eyes furrowed. 'Shizu-Chan sure does drinks a lot. Yanno, I've heard when humans process their emotions negatively they usually turn to reckless behaviors...' Realisation washed over Izaya's face as he stared terrified at the scenery. "Oh my God.. What have I done? Mairu was right..." His mumbling was muffled out by an awkward cough from Shizuo standing there looking confused. "You look nice, Shizu-Chan." Izaya complemented genuine. Trying to raise up the blonde's spirits after, totally destroying them. Shizuo just nodded embarrassed. Izaya smirked before, they headed off into the kitchen. The brunette's hand quickly grabbed Shizuo's arm swiftly causing, the male to stop and turn around to face him. "Shizu-Chan, I'm not really hungry. Can I just have some coffee?" Shizuo nodded heading towards the coffee pot. Leaving Izaya standing there feeling a little guilty about what had happened recently between them. "I'm not doing my job right I guess. Making you hate me and all." Shizuo chuckled pouring the hot water into the brewer. Then, he turned to face Izaya. "No, I believed you failed. I don't think I could even consider hating you now."

"I'm sorry for hurting you, Shizu-Chan.." Izaya squeaked nervously. Shizuo's mind stirred for a long time analyzing what Izaya had just said. "It's alright I forgive you." The blonde flashed a grateful smile.

After the coffee was brewed and served in two porcelain mugs. The two males searched for a spot in Shizuo's house to drink their hot beverages. Until, Izaya pointed at the fireplace. "There!" Izaya grinned with interest beaming off of him. The taller male rolled his eyes and tried to hold back a laugh. Izaya sat down happily as, Shizuo lit the fire place. Then, Shizuo sat closely by Izaya. Izaya's grin turned wider as he gazed into the fire. Shizuo watched the flames reflect off the fireplace into Izaya's chocolatey, warm, soft eyes. 'He's probably thinking of something horrid right now.' Shizuo thought. However, his mind ramblings were interrupted by Izaya. "Fire places are nice, their romantic. But not too obvious or cheesy. Their more modest when it comes to love. Don't you think, Shizu-Chan?" Izaya asked. The blonde almost had spit out his coffee right then and there. Shizuo nodded weirdly. "My cousin is like that. He's too cheesy and tosses his love around like he's some kind of love doctor passing out anti heartache pills or something. But, off course he's just a high schooler and he is very rich. And very very sheltered. So, with that being said he doesn't know the evil that lurks in this world." Shizuo spoke. Izaya had let out a grunt, "Speaking of which Mairu and Kururi ditched me to live with these two rich frat boys for a little while I suppose." Shizuo started to laugh. "Hey pal! I'm not rich but I ain't poor!" Izaya whined. "Maybe, I should go live with your rich cousin then, Shizu-Chan!" Izaya teased. "Pfff. No way, you would probably push him off his own yatt. Or he would throw a fit, if you treated any of his female customers rudely at his club. I don't want to have to hear him whine like a little bitch." Shizuo groaned. Izaya started laughing, "Don't worry. I'm only interested in bugging you, Shizu-Chan."

The blonde watched the brunette take a sip out of his coffee mug. Shizuo noted how Izaya's attention was so drawn to the fire that his eyes followed the flame's every single move. The taller male's eyes widened slightly. When he felt a warm sensation breeze up through his hand as, Izaya's fingers slowly brushed his own. Shizuo had led on this act by movings his fingers closer to Izaya's touch. Their fingers overlapped each others making Shizuo's heart skip a beat. Shizuo glance down to see Izaya look at his in the corner of his eye. Izaya's lips smiled lopsided into a playful smirk. Their hands begun to intertwine heating up their palms. Shizuo's breath came out shakily as, Izaya scooted closer. A blush was well tinted on Shizuo's face. His eyes met with the chocolatey warm eyes filled with lust.

Shizuo saw the hunger that was plastered all over Izaya's face. Then his eyes slowly looked down at Izaya's lips. They looked chapped, and abandoned from love. Shizuo wanted to change that. The brunette saw the gesture the blonde made and felt encouraged. Shizuo watched Izaya lean in so he did as well, closing the space that was between them completely. Their lips brushed gently onto each others. Izaya tasted the sweetness that had tinted Shizuo's lips. And Shizuo was satisfied by Izaya's warm touch. Shizuo's free hand slowly brushed against Izaya's jaw line before, cupping his cheek. Getting a better hold of Izaya so, he could kiss him more firmly. Shizuo pressed his lips harder on Izaya's. The brunette did the same. They kissed each other more passionately. Izaya's body melted into the kiss. So, Shizuo took over. Their lips detached the tension from the two suffocated the room and the air around them.

Their eyes stared into each others memorized. Shizuo felt his heart pound heavily inside of his ribcage. Their kiss they had just shared was truly intoxicating, and hypnotizing. Shizuo didn't need fireworks to convince him otherwise. Kissing Izaya was like a volcano erupting heating everything it touched. Shizuo didn't need love to guide them through thick and thin. Even if he was walking on thin ice and he could see the cracks. Shizuo didn't care this was what he needed. Izaya's lips was all he needed just to be tied down in puppet strings. The blonde felt fucked up for loving this psycho. But, he felt the desire to be more fucked up from Izaya. Shizuo even wanted to play Izaya's god awful games if it met they could do this more often.

This was what it took for Shizuo to get turned on. The blonde's eyes were mystified in wildness. Izaya saw the monster lurking from Shizuo. He saw the beast that was desperately grasping freedom from being chained down to domesticated human ways. Izaya's thoughts were oblivious. 'Shizu-Chan, becomes his unhuman like self even when he's not angry? Ah! That's so cool!" The brunette smirked before, crawling onto the blonde's lap straddling him. Shizuo eagerly waited impatiently craving Izaya's kiss again. The brunette's lips met the blonde's once again. Shizuo's arm wrapped around Izaya's torso pulling the smaller framed male closely up against his own. Shizuo's other hand gripping Izaya's black silky hair. Izaya wrapped his arms around Shizuo's neck.

Their lips crashed onto each other's roughly. Making the atmosphere more heated. Shizuo licked Izaya's bottom lip pleading for entrance. The brunette opened his mouth slightly as, the blonde deepened the kiss. Shizuo's tongue invaded Izaya's mouth tasting him like he was some kind of flavor in a candy shop. Their tongues over lapped each other's swiftly yet, harshly. Shizuo's arm that was placed around Izaya's torso slid sneakily lower on the brunette's body. Then, the blonde gropped his ass. Earning a moan from Izaya. Shizuo grunted kissing more recklessly. Izaya's eyes began to water from the sensations overflowing through his body. The blonde felt the tears coming from the other one's cheek. Shizuo broke the kiss staring at Izaya concerned. Saliva rolled down Izaya's chin. The brunette was panting clenching Shizuo's shirt.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Did I do something wrong?" Shizuo asked terrified. Izaya shook his head. "No, Shizu-Chan. Don't worry. It's just this is all new to me." Izaya bit his lip confessing. "So please keep continuing." The brunette whimpered desperately. The blonde smiled at Izaya before nodding. Shizuo this time intertwined his fingers with Izaya flipping him over on his back. Shizuo climbed on top of Izaya pinning his up against the floor. Reconnecting his lips on to Izaya's. And their kisses went out to be long make out sessions. 

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