Chapter Four; A dinner spent at a sushi bar

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*Ps that was not the original title cuz the original title was two long 0-0 this was the original one 'Chapter 4; A Dinner spent between an Ex Bartender, A Dark Legend, An Illegal Doctor, and A Russian Assassin.' Any way that being discussed have a nice day. Enjoy*

The bell rung as, the door swung open with 4 smiling customers. Shizuo for once didn't have a cigarette in his mouth wishing his life away. He was surrounded by his 2 best friends, and a girl that he was starting to warm up to. The laughter fell into silent chuckles as soon as they saw Simon behind the counter. They waved at Simon taking a seat. Simon grinned at a few of his honorable, favorite customers. The russian sushi maker was pleased to see Shizuo in such high spirits.

"What can I get for you guys today?" Simon spoke up.

"The Regular." Shinra said and Celty nodded.

"I'll take the spicy crab rice sushi rolls with lemonade." Shizuo chirped gleefully.

"And you miss?" Simon asked.

"Uh the special. This is my first time here." Vorona confessed embarrassed.

Simon greeted the familiar lady yet, a stranger with a warm smile. 'I've definitely seen her around before just where?' Simon thought.

"Шизуо говорит мне, что Вы - русский." Vorona regained Simon's focus.

"моя семья приезжает из России." Simon admitted.

"Я - русский также." Vorona smiled.

Simon nodded giving her a welcoming handshake. Before, preparing the meals that consisted of mostly rice and fish on a bunch of small platters. Engaging in the conversation as he did so. Simon couldn't help but, wonder about the young lady. Her face seemed familiar and so did her name. But, he couldn't figure out the reason off the top of his head. Simon soon caved in on his forgetfulness. And pushed the thought aside resuming his cherished night with his friends.

Meanwhile, Izaya was at his house in the kitchen making ramen. Kururi sitting near the dining table in a chair playing an app on her phone. "Oi! When will you guys go back to Mom, and Dad?!" Izaya yelled from the kitchen. Kururi shrugged, too focused on her phone to pay attention to the details and the environment outside of her phone. Izaya walked out of the kitchen. "Kururi, when will you too leave?" Izaya spoke. "I don't know.' Kururi whispered. "Well, I suppose that's not much help." Izaya bit his tongue annoyed. "Say big brother, what is The Dollars? It seems to be the hot news at school. Everyone speaks of it." Kururi asked. Curious about what her brother has been up too with The Dollars in the depths of his laptop.

"Well, The Dollars is supposed to be the baddest gang in the city. But, it doesn't live up to its name. In fact, it's harmless. Just a chat room. All the crimes were just coincidences and was just framed on The Dollars. Don't go by everything people say. Keep in mind, they are insane people out in this world with ideas and absurd motives that people believe too well. So, don't take it more that a grain of salt Kururi." Izaya's light lecture filled with hypocrisy left Kururi bored. 'I see that's what you were up too.' Kururi thought.

"Speaking of which where did you get those clothes from? Return them before, you leave Tokyo. I don't need mom trying to slice my throat and, ring my ears at the same time because, of your choice of clothing." Izaya sighed. Kururi sent a glare towards her older brother. As, Mairu went through the kitchen. "Something is burning." Mairu proclaimed when she stepped out of the kitchen. Izaya's eyes widened as, he rushed into the kitchen turning the stove off. Before, the smoke alarms could go off. "Tsk-tsk." Kururi shook her head. "Izaya-Kun you really do suck at everything." Mairu spoke." "Shut up!" Izaya hissed. "You need us!" Mairu protested. "I'll go get groceries tomorrow." Izaya huffed crossing his arms over his chest, glaring at the burnt noodles. "FINALLY!" Mairu yelled. "Hey! Mairu don't start with me! Your teacher called me today! Something about you telling the class about your sex life!" Izaya yelled. Mairu and Kururi runned up the stairs into their room. "YOU'RE TOO YOUNG FOR THOSE ACTIVITIES!!" Izaya hollered up the stairs. 'Now where did my laptop go?' Izaya wondered.

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