Chapter Ten; The Brute and The Flea

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Izaya's ears twitched at the sound of the rain pouring from the clouds. His eyes opened showing his dazed brown orbs. When Izaya is in deep thought his eyes always become dazed looking as if he was daydreaming. But this time was different his mind showed nothing but blankness. His mind wasn't foggy or exhausted so, what could it be? For a few minutes he stared at the window concentrated on how the rain made sounds of patterns. Then, he started to become more conscious and awake. His attention wasn't focused on the window or rain anymore but, the arm that held him tightly next to a very warm, toned chest.

Izaya's mind flashed with alert as, his brain cells screamed for signals on what to do in this situation. And why this was even happening to him. Then, Shizuo popped up into his memory box. 'It's an Shizu-Chan problem.' Izaya muttered in his mind. 'Should I punch him, or kill him?' Izaya debated to himself in complete silence. "Or just sleep in with him." A voice from the back of his mind argued. His eyes widened at the very thought. 'There's nothing else I could do at the moment. So, I guess i'll just endure the Brute.' He sighed. He closed his eyes snuggling back into Shizuo more. The blonde's arms unconsciously gripped Izaya tighter more around Izaya. The smaller man felt some sense of security from the blonde's frame up against his. Izaya secretly happily endured the monster trapping him like this. That's what the brunette had to think or, else he might want to get attached to Shizuo like this.

An hour later, The blonde's eyes opened to see a lock of black, shiny bed head hair up against his face. 'Oi, the flea is still here... I'm actually kind of surprised.' Shizuo admitted to himself in his mind. The blonde took a mental note how the smaller body curled up to his body almost wantedly. And how his body was curled up into a ball like a cat's. Then, how he had a fainted smile that his lips wore. And how peaceful he looked. Shizuo also noticed Izaya wasn't tensed but instead his chest rose up and down very slowly in relaxation. 'The flea is kind of cute like this.' Shizuo thought. His mind stirred looking down at the body who he held. Fully awake he was tuned in to the rest of his surroundings. "It's raining." Shizuo noted out loud.

Izaya's closed eyes opened in an instant, "What... It's been raining an hour ago.." Izaya mumbled. "Mhm... The news mentioned something about a ran cast for 2 days straight." A grunt came from the older man which made Izaya slightly blush. "Oh I don't exactly watch the news.. Shizu-Chan." Izaya admitted embarrassed. "Really?! I thought you would love the news. Considering you seem to have a particular interest in humanity and what not." The blonde questioned. Shizuo felt a head shake side to side underneath his chin. "So, you've been awake? And laid here for like an hour?" Shizuo chuckled. 'Dammit.' Izaya cursed in his mind. "Just merely taking a light sleep here I suppose." Izaya muttered. He felt a pair of arms detach from his torso. Izaya slowly started to sit up on the bed. "We're in Shinra's bed." Izaya chuckled darkly. "Oh he's probably sleeping in Celty's bed then." Shizuo yawned. He watched disappointment wash all over Izaya as he slouched his posture a little. "What did you think would happen? Shinra sulking on the couch while the rest of us slept in a bed?" Shizuo scoffed. Izaya nodded slowly with a faint smile curled up on his lips. Shizuo rolled his eyes and groaned, "Well, that didn't take long for you to start becoming an asshole." "Actually, Shizu-Chan I'm hungry." Izaya gazed up at the blonde pulling his fainted smile into an light hearted grin. Which made Shizuo swallow his irritation down easily.

The two got out of the bed heading into the kitchen. "There still asleep Shizu-Chan." "Do you always have to same my name?" Shizuo retorted glaring at Izaya. "Does it tick you off that badly, Shizu-Chan??" Izaya taunted flashing him a smirk. Then, Shizuo watched his smirk fall off his face. "Sorry." Izaya muttered. Shizuo shocked stopped in his tracks. Watching Izaya walk pass him before, following his steps into the kitchen. 7:30pm was the time on the kitchen's oven. "Dammit, Mairu and Kururi." Izaya groaned. The blonde turned to him, "Did they make it to their house alright?" "Um, I suppose so there is a key hidden in a plant outside of the door for them after all." Izaya sighed. Shizuo nodded returning his attention back to the fridge. Izaya walked across the kitchen to get 2 glass cups from the cupboard. "What do they have to drink?" Izaya asked. "Shinra has sprite, tea, and pepsi." Shizuo answered. "Give me the sprite please, and what to do want in your glass?" "The same." Shizuo responded. Izaya nodded receiving the Sprite bottle pouring it in both of the glasses. Handing it back to Shizuo after, screwing the lid tightly on the pop bottle. "They have a few a few left overs like Simon's sushi." Shizuo glanced at Izaya. "That will do." Shizuo nodded grabbing the take out box.

They headed in the living room. Izaya sunk in a little in the cushioned seats before Shizuo joined in planting himself next to Izaya. They ate in a comforting silence because Izaya was actually as hungry as he claimed to be earlier. (Fun fact Izaya is an tsundere when he's hungry.) Until Izaya spoke, "Sorry about what happened with Vorona." Izaya said barley above a whisper. "It's okay, I didn't know much of her. She was a criminal after all." Shizuo responded weirdly considering he didn't know Izaya could actually give a person empathy. "I couldn't let Mairu, and Kururi die. They were all I had in my whole childhood. My parents didn't want to take responsibility over "brats like us." So they worked a lot. Ikebukuro gets lonely too sometimes when they're not around. Namie I let her go take her brother and his creepy girlfriend on vacation. Namie is strange in the head too. Hell, she doesn't even want to my secretary. I was gone from Ikebukuro for a reason.. Shizu-Chan." Izaya gulped down the last of his words that burned bubbling up to his throat now coming down aching his chest. Shizuo's heart pounded as he listened to his enemy. 'Why does it not feel good finally hearing about your enemy's weakness? Shouldn't it? How come it actually hurts?' Shizuo thought. "Where did you go? After you got me arrested and fired from my job?" Shizuo asked carefully. "A mental institution." The brunette's words were quiet yet unsettling for Shizuo to hear. He imagined Izaya being in a place surrounded by either schizophrenics or suicidal people popping pills in his mouth gloomily in the corner. Shizuo glanced down at Izaya taking a sip of soda from his glass. "Izaya-Kun."

A hand touched Izaya's shoulder warmly. Izaya felt his eyes prickle with unwanted tears. He wanted Shizuo to hug him yet he wanted to run away. "Ha ha ha.. It's getting late. Sorry for rambling. I better go home and check on Mairu and Kururi. I'm going home, Shizu-Chan." The smaller boy hopped off the couch quickly. Reaching to grab Izaya's hand, "Izaya." Shizuo spoke sternly. Izaya retracted his hand in an instant. "I need to go home." Izaya said. "Izaya it's still raining!" Shizuo scolded while the flea put on his black fur coat. "I'll be fine." Izaya walked out of the door. Shizuo ran out the patio chasing after the brunette yelling, "Izaya, your house is a mile from here! You better get back in here or, else you will catch a fever!" But the psycho was outstanding out in the rain on the sidewalk pulling out his switchblade from his pocket waving it around. "See you around Shizu-Chan!" Izaya hollard before, walking off into the downpour. "IZZZZAAAAYYYYAAAAA!!!!!!" Shizuo yelled angrily. "That damn flea." Shizuo groaned before storming back into Shinra's apartment.

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