The News

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A week had flown by in Ikebukuro. The holiday spirit has died down bringing less chaos to the town. In fact, the town's crime rates had gone down drastically by keeping someone in line. No more hell on earth scenarios. Which met less filth for Celty. The black rider zipped among the streets ready to attend a dinner with her beloved friends. But first, she had to pick up Shinra. The night was creeping up into the sky and so was her excitement. She traveled up the streets to meet her apartment close by. The illegal doctor was standing on the porch waiting for her arrival. Celt waved her hand motioning him to come to her. He quickly went down the apartment steps, heading in her direction. He walked up close to the bike. Pressing his lips on her helmet wrapping his arms around her leather waist. If she could blush her face would have been red as tomatoes at the moment.

After a warm welcoming hug, he hopped on her bike. Snaking his arms around her. Then, they sped off in the moonlight. His lab coat swayed in the wind like a dress. He kissed her shoulder tenderly in bliss. Before settling down snuggling up against her. The two got off the bike, Celty slipped her hand in Shinra's intertwining their fingers. As the two walked together in unison finding Shizuo and Izaya holding hands as well. "Hey!" Shinra Hollard getting their attention. Izaya poked his tongue at their direction while Shizuo waved at them. Celty shook her helmet and Shinra returned the childish gesture at Izaya. The four met up heading into the sushi restaurant. Simon stood behind the counter smiling at his friends.

They all took a seat and Simon greeted his favorite customers. "Hello, what can I get for you all this fine evening?" The Russian man asked kindly. They explained what they wanted, Izaya smirked up at Shizuo when he gave his order. Sure Shizuo's choices were girlish and he has a sweet tooth. However, they all knew who was the bitch to the flea's and the brute's relationship. Simon was happy for all of his friends. To experience love and in its beautiful form. He too has a very close soldier to his heart. They used to travel and work together in the Soviet Union until they had to get a new job. They left together to move to Japan and start a business. Then man is the owner of the Sushi Place named Denis. Denis is older and tired now so lately, Shizuo had been working in the building unlike used too. Denis has light blue eyes that sparkle through the day. And grey silver hair that reminds Shizuo of a wolf. A strong wolf who held his ground and now a resting chief. Shizuo has always admired the man.

Anyway, Celty and Shinra had an announcement that would hipe up the evening. "Me, and my beloved Celty-San haves some news." Shinra proclaimed. Izaya smirked at his old time best friend. "Shoot," Izaya spoke. "We're getting married," Shinra spoke cheerfully squeezing his fiance's hand. Before she took that hand to slip off the black, leather glove of her other hand. To display the sparkly, white diamond ring with a silver band on her finger. Simon clapped and the other two applauded for the almost new weds. "Woohoo! Shinra! Took ya long enough!" Izaya exclaimed excitedly. Making Celty nod in agreement and earned a chuckle from Shizuo. Simon hugged Shinra and Celty congratulating his other best friends.

"Drinks on the house, to my dearest friends. Who will tie the knot in marriage." Simon declared. They all clapped once again celebrating the engagement. "So.. what are the plans about the bachelorette, and bachelors party?" Izaya questioned curiously. "Haha, well I don't know about that... And besides Celty doesn't have much lady friends for her party." Shinra mentioned. The brunette resting his head on his hand thinking gazing at her. "I have an idea." Izaya proclaimed. "I know of a few girls that would enjoy your company, Celty-San. And as for you Shinra, we will have the bachelors party here." Izaya smirked. The couple nodded with wide eyes not sure what he had in mind.

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