4. Teenage Dream

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Authors Note:

Hi guys! For U who haven't noticed the little "theme" through the chapters I'll tell you now:

Every chaptername is a song title so if you have any good song titles for me, just send them in a private message or a comment. Thanks for helping me :)

Please fan/vote/comment if you like this :)

Dedicated to whenyourgone for being the first one to comment om last chapter x)


The light gray light was shining through the blinds stack in my sleepy and burning eyes. Slowly, I lifted my hand from the blanket, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and blinked. To my left I could see a tousled blond head with the face turned away from me. I frowned and tried to recall the memories of the previous evening. They were a bit blurry, but I was sure that I hadn’t brought anyone with me. I didn’t do that anymore ... not since that night ... I forced my brain to work, trying to remember the blond girl who now lay on the other side of my wide bed, without any results, but suddenly it dawned on me.

"Come on, Millie!" I said loudly and kicked down the big Golden Retriever who took up half the bed on the floor. She shook confused on her furry body but soon jumped up in the bed again. Exhausted, I laid my head on the pillow again and felt a wet and disgusting tongue licked my face. Millie's foul breath was pressed into my nose and I sat up straight as an arrow. Millie wagged her tail happily, proud to have been able to put life into me and I couldn’t help but grin at her. It was impossible to be mad at that adorable dog.

Millie was, as always, on the black carpet in my room, chewing on a squeaky plastic leg while I was looking for clothes in the extremely large closet. It was far too large, according to me, because I hardly found anything to wear. The beeping sound of a dog toy gave me a headache, more than I already had and I wished that the Easter holiday could have lasted only one more week. Or two. I didn’t want to return to school. Everyone would talk about the damn article in the Detroit High Sport which I, in hindsight, regretted. But the reporters had been outside our house 24/7 since that about the contract leaked out and I had finally given up. The interview had been released the day before and I didn’t want the attention it brought. Everything I’d said wasn’t true...

"Derek!" I heard my father's voice from downstairs. "Are you ready?" Quickly I pulled on a pair of jeans and a white shirt with the text "TOUCHDOWN!" on the front and my name, Derek Downhill, on the back. Dad had ordered it after my first successful match. I glanced at my beloved guitar before I opened my bedroom door and went out.

With Millie in my heels I went down the wide carpeted stairs and looked out through the glass wall down to the lake. The raindrops lashed the dark gray surface and the sand on the beach below the terrace was dark brown. Today, it was perhaps not one of those "dream gardens" all said it was and the gray weather didn’t exactly make me in a better mood. I tried to ignore the training that I was going on in the afternoon. I hated to train in the rain.

"Good morning, honey! Did you sleep well?" mom asked with a happy tone in her voice before she turned to the computer screen again. She sat at the breakfast table with the black suit she always wore and the blonde hair was set up in a strict knot in her back. The long, red-painted fingernails typed on the computer keys and didn’t make my headache better.

"Morning ... Oh yeah ..." I lied and sat down at the oversized table. When she didn’t watch me I rubbed myself hard in the eyes, ran a hand through my brown hair and couldn’t hold back a big yawn. No, I hadn’t slept well ... a recurring nightmare had tormented me again and that horrible feeling of the scar on my stomach had been so real that I thought I had been shot again. Just the thought of the event made me want to vomit and the blood, the pain and the feeling that I would die had plagued my dreams and thoughts ever since then.

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