6. What Doesn't Kill You

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Author's Note:

First of all I'm going to say how extremely sorry I am for not having uploaded... But to my defence I'll say that my Internet conection and I are having a little bit of a fight and I hate it... But now to the chapter. And I'd like to say that it would be really nice of you if you'd help me come up with some song titles for the upcoming chapters. Please post them as a comment or private message! :)

Please fan/vote/comment if you like this! :D


Dedicated to katelyn_luvs_you for being one of my lovley fans x)


6. What Doesn’t Kill You

My feet hurt just as much as my cheeks after all the fake smiles I’d led during the past school day. Even my eyes were burning after the twenty minute walk home when I had been crying incessantly all the way. Disappointed I locked up and opened the door, hanging off my soaking wet jacket on one of the gallows beside the door as I tried to kick off my shoes. I clumsily barged into the living room with the cold rainwater dripping from the hair. With tears still running down my cheeks I hit turned on the TV and heard Homer Simpson's annoying, slurred voice from the speakers but I didn’t care. Instead, I sank into the couch with my soaking wet clothes and buried my face in one of the cushions.

I wasn’t sure why I was crying but the tears continued to press forward from the corners of my eyes even though I thought they had run out a long time ago. The time was running away as fast as the tears and after I’d been lying and crying on the couch for at least thirty minutes I began to wonder if Kevin would come home. He should have been home by that time (the clock was nearly 4pm) and I was very grateful that he hadn’t found me crying on the couch. I didn’t know what he’d thought of me if he had done that ... So I forced my shaking body up off the couch and made my the way to the bathroom. If it was something I really needed it was a long, steaming hot shower. Just when I closed and locked the bathroom door behind me I heard Kevin jingle his keys at the front door.

The scalding water ran down my red face and I could feel how the knot in my stomach slowly started to dissolve. For the first time since I left school for the day I could think clearly. I refused to believe that Derek had forgotten me. He couldn’t have! Maybe he had had blackouts after the shot injury...? Or maybe he was just pretending...! He pretended to be certain that he didn’t know me because he was afraid of what his friends would think. Yeah! That’s the case…

As you probably realize my "clear thought" mostly contained Derek and why he didn’t recognize me... If you can call it clear thoughts. But the more I thought about it the more confused I got and it ended up with tears threatening to push forward again. What was it with me today? I never cried!

Both mom and dad had managed to get home before I even started to think about to finish the shower. The mirror was all fogged and the whole room was steaming after my overly warm shower. I sighed heavily and pulled me a white terry towel from the towel bar next to the shower. Shroud wrapped it around my naked body and took out a bottle of lotion from the bathroom cabinet over the sink. My face was still red from all the crying when I stepped out of the sauna I’d created inside the bathroom but I blamed the shower...

The smell of fried chicken reached me when I tiptoed across the floor and up the stairs to lock myself in my room until dinner.

"Are you okay, Katie ...?" mom said from the kitchen when I put my hand on the doorknob. I stopped and frowned, refused to turn over.

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