Chapter 10

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Daniela's POV

Today Zayn is coming and I'm so excited I cleaned his room and his hair products. I got dressed in a (outfit: check it out on Instagram @zarry4eves ) I curled my hair and put on light makeup. I looked in the mirror and smiled with my appearance. I walked down stairs and saw Niall and Italia

"Hey" Italia said

"Hey why are you guys here... in a good way" I said

"Well we just wanted to go with you to get Zayn"

"Awww that's nice"

"Yeah come on let's go"


We got to the airport and we waited for about 15 minutes but still no Zayn.

"Ugh why isn't he coming" I said

"Hey Dani can you come with me to the bathroom" said Italia

"Ugh yeah sure"

Nialls POV

Once Italia and Daniela left Zayn came out of the room

"Hey mate" I said

"Hey do you know anything about what Simon said that I wasn't with my grandma "

"Yeah I have to say everything when Dani comes back"

"Mate I can't break her heart"

"I'm sorry it has to be done"

"Well thanks"

"No problem"


Zayns POV



Daniela jumped to my arms hugging me. Her arms were around my neck my arms around her waist. I cherished every moment in a while I won't be able to do this to her. She let go but I kept holding her

"Zayn do you want to let go I'm quite heavy"

"No your light as a feather"


We got to the car and Italia is talking to Daniela about Miley Cyrus new song. While me and Niall just listened. I can't believe this is happening me breaking up with Daniela just breaks my heart. Once I got the call with Simon I broke down.

I left because I needed to meet up with Perrie and there band needed to learn a bit. I'm not going to lie she is nice and stuff but she wants a LOT of things. ( P.S. The things I say/write about Perrie is not true it's just for the book ~DaniXx)

I love Daniela and I can't imagine my life with out her

"Zayn babe why are you crying"

"Oh sorry was just thinking"

"We're here" said Italia

We walked in the house and Niall spoke

Daniela's POV

"Ok well me and Italia have news for both of you"

"Yeah Simon told us to tell you"Italia said

"Yeah and I thing you should be sitting down" me and Zayn sat down and he was starting at the ground. He grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"Ok well me and Niall went to Simons office and he told us"said Italia

"Well you can't be with Zayn and he wasn't with his family but with the group little mix" said Niall

"No manengent told Simon that he had to go with Perrie so that they would get notice more"

"I just"I said

"He also said that nothing was Zayns fault and you guys can be friends"

" I just can't" with that I ran to mine and Zayns room I pulled out my suitcase and stuffed everything inside.

"Daniela what are you doing" Italia said

"What's the whole point staying if nobody ever loved me"

"But he does love you"

"No Italia I'm leaving to my grandmas with my mom and thanks for being my friend...please don't tell ANYONE were I went"

"Yeah it's will be with me...Wait so we're does your mum live"

"It's like an hour away"

"Oh ok"

"And I'll come some time to pick up the rest of my thing"

"I'm going to miss you so much" Italia hugged me.

my suitcase was filled , tears going down my face. We walked down stairs and saw Niall trying to cheer Zayn up.

"Niall thanks for everything hopefully you'll get far in your dreams"

"Thanks" he stood up and hugged me

" please Daniela don't leave I love you not Perrie" said Zayn trying to hold my hand. I felt Italia and Niall leaving to the kitchen or something

"I'm sorry but what's the whole reason staying of you will be on tour and with Perrie"

"I'm so sorry Daniela I never wanted this to happen"

"Bye Zayn" I said hugging him one more time it felt soo good to hug him the way he put his arms around my waist and his head on mine. or how I would wrap my arms around his neck and in his hair and I would bury my head in the crook of his neck.

"Bye guys" I hugged Italia and whispered in her ear. 'Bye Italia I don't want you guys to find me you are the only one who knows where I'll be it's ok if you guys text me... I'll be back on 2 days to pick the rest of my clothes' I let her go and got my suitcase and left


I arrived at the house of my mom. After what happened she moved with my grandma.

"Hey mum" I said hugging her and my grandma

"Hello dear" we all sat down talking when I got a message with a video attracted to it. I excused myself and went to the guest room.



Hey Daniela things with Zayn aren't good (video= Zayn room door was closed and all you can hear is 'why did she leave me' 'I still love her' 'fucking management' also can hear chair banging window crashing. Then Niall spoke 'hey Zayn are you ok' 'no I'm dead inside I just wanted one more day with her and trust me I'll be fine)

I had tears down my face. I really do love Zayn it's just that why would I be there if they don't need me


I checked the message and it was from Zayn



Daniela plz let me be with you one more day. I'm a mess right now and I don't want you to leave me



I still love you with my heart trust me am broken to little pieces... Fine we can hang out maybe as 'bf gf' lol jk gtg with my mum. (Send) opps I told him where I was..oh well


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