Chapter 23

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I woke up it was still night. some one yanked me from The bed. my eyes wide in fear. I wanted to scream but they covered my mouth and nose with a rag. my eye eyes felt drippy but I kept them open. they carried me to a van they threw me to the back and then I felt a body next to me. it was Eleanor fast asleep. I go to Eleanor and try to wake up

"She awake" I quickly close my eyes then I couldn't open them again.

I then woke up the room was dark. I was going to stand up but I couldn't my hands and legs were tied to a chair. I tried to scream but there was rag in my mouth. the turned on the lights and I saw Daniela,Danielle,Eleanor, and Brianna were still sleeping.

After a while they all woke up and we finally took off the rag in our mouth somehow.and we all began to talk

E:"guy why are we here"

I:"I don't know I just want to be with Niall"

Daniela:"who the heck wakes up 5 girls with boyfriends right next to them"

"Ahhhh I see you guys woken up" a guy in the dark said.

"Who the heck are you" I said wanted him to step in the light.

"Ohh a mean one here"

And he slapped my on my cheek.

We then heard foot steps. we all stood quiet and then 4 buff guys walked in. we were all scared. we can start. then all started to hurt us. they scratch hit punch is all over.

After a bit of the pain we heard more foot steps the guys stop hurting us and then our boyfriends walked in

What do you guys want" said Liam stepping forward

"Nothin either you guys pay the price or just see the pain"

"How much?" Said Niall

"10 thousand dollars"

"Guys don't do it please" I said

"Don't worry princess you'll be fine" Niall said going to trying to hug me and wipe my tears.

The guy in the dark (great description again) can at me and pushed me to the ground

"Niaalllll.!!!!!!" I screamed

He got up and punched him in the jaw and in the stomach. that's when Liam punched the big buff guy on the cheek and a while bunch of big guys came over and kicked, punched the guys

The guy who was beating Niall up dropped him on the floor. I saw Harry and Louis both bleeding from there mouths and had cuts all over there arms they both got a kick on the stomach. Liam was bleeding from his temple and got kicked on his legs and stomach. Zayn was bleeding from his nose and was kicked on the back so he fell on the floor and Daniela started to cry and scream.

then the police came in and the guards. The guards took down the guys and they released the girls. I slipped on a shirt of Niall's (because Italia sleeps in Nialls shirt)

"Niall please don't leave me , I need you Niall please Niall don't leave. Niall *kiss*

Please *kiss* don't *kiss* leave *kiss* me.!"

I sat up breathing hard and sweat beads all over my fore head. I start to cry and then I see a sleeping and broken Niall right next to me. I went to the bathroom to see al my scratches and bruises. I then grab my razor that I have been hiding and put it against my

Wrist. i was about to press it down when Niall grabbed me from my waist a spanned me around. he grabbed my razor and threw it outside of the window. I looked down

"Why were you going to cut yourself" he asked kissing my neck going to my chest then to lips.

"When umm...niall.....i cant.,....focus"

I then grabbed his shirt and rugged it closer to me. I kiss his lips and he carries me to our bed he removes his shirt off me to see black and pink Lacey bra and underwear. he smiled the kisses my lips.

"But Niall your hurt and I want to wait till marriage"

"Yes I know I just wanted to give you a bit of a sneak peak"

I smiled

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