Chapter 14

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The young teens brainstorm, anything that can lead them to Octavia. With how the Shifter got away with Hydro the team doubts they will be able to find him without a portal of their own. They still rest in the forest after the attack in the park, being sure to keep themselves hidden in the trees from human view.

"So what about bait?" Adapta suggests Changing cocks her head to one side in confusion and furrows her brow.

"With what; we don't have anything they want. Do we?" Damian asks as Adapta briefly explains what bait means.

"We don't even know what it is they want, let alone if we have it" Ignite points out, her hands are shaking and her heart is going a million miles per hour, she chews on her bottom lip and pushes the skin near her fingernails back. Almost every thought going through her head is questioning how Hydro is doing and why she can't reach him.

"How do ve even know she will see the bait?" Changling asks she receives a congratulatory shoulder rub from a proud Adapta, her remembering the words to complete sentences is improving, maybe from being around so many Americans, her friends back at school knew German, it was why they were friends she had no problem talking to.

"Maybe she senses us, like we can sense her" Damian suggests

"That's actually not a bad thought, it has to go both ways, how else would she have known we were here?" Adapta admits, thinking deeper, questions litter their heads.

"I can go, Trish shot me, we don't know it wasn't because I'm considered a threat. Plus I would really like to roast her alive." Ignite volunteers. Damian nods for a bit, he agrees with her logic but not that she should risk it

"What if zhey sensed all of us?" Changing asks looking around at everyone. This question now crept into their minds, that means that means they were after all of them, and Hydro protected them all just not Ignite.

"Then she'll be able to sense us all the moment that we step out of this forest" Adapta states, for the first time since the beginning of all of this she actually appears scared.

"We can use that to our advantage" Ignite says chewing on her bottom lip. Trying to read everyone's lips, trying to figure out who is talking and when.

Damian shakes his head this has too big of a risk. Octavia knows more than they do, they are greatly outnumbered already. Octavia has tons of shifters at her disposal, they just have themselves. This is a big reason Damian doesn't do teams, you get attached, not something he is really fond of. Last team he was in before he came to the school ended the same way he thinks this one will, tragedy.

"Let's say that we do get in, how do we get out and how do we ensue we stay alive?" Damian asks, everyone thinks deeply about any ideas. No one thinks of anything and they fall into an eerie silence. Doubt crosses their mind; are they even cut out of this?

"What if we all got, and one hides...when Shifters take us da other one follows da last one" Changling suggests, it's not a bad idea. Changling looks around trying to read the expressions of her teammates, they all wear unreadable face expressions.

"Yeah, but they would want all of us, how do we only get them to take three of us? They might not leave until they have all four" Damian argues, he does a raise a good point. The little details like this are what makes plans come together.

"Maybe not, I'm supposed to be dead. If they think the number of us has decreased by two than they might only be expecting three of us. They won't even expect me to be there" Ignite speculates. A smile forms on Changling's lips, finally a plan was coming together and from one of her ideas.

"That might work, we can get them to arrest us near the forest and before the portal closes Ignite runs into it and sneaks around until she finds Hydro" Adapts states, nods answer her from all around.

"Okay, so it is set. That is what I am doing" Ignite states nodding to herself. This is the plan, nothing is going to stop her from doing it now. Not only does she want to find Hydro, she wants to show that girl Trish what it's like to be shot down.

"So how vill ve know....vhere he is?" Changling asks slowly Adapta gives her a high five on her English.

"We won't, I have to sneak around until I find him. We can stay telepathically linked. If you have any idea of where he is let me know right away" Ignite demands gesturing to her head.

"I have a totally off topic question" Damian starts looking at Ignite. "If you can't stand feelings or feeling anything, does that mean you can't fuck?"

Adapta lets out an annoyed groan while Ignite sends Damian glares.

"I wouldn't know, but I also don't see why that matters. You will never find out for yourself anyway" Ignite shoots, Damian presses his lips together awkwardly as Adapta and Changling shake their heads.

"Do you think of anything else?" Adapta retorts her voice dripping with disappointment and annoyance. She always knew that men have one track minds. It's one of the things that she hates about guys, a reason she loves women. They are more into emotions and romance, while most men just want to get in your pants. It's just not for her .

"When do we do da plan?" Changling asks this offers a good question timing could be everything.

"We should go over it a couple more times, just to be sure everyone is on the same page"Ignite suggests.

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