Chapter 17

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Ignite creeps through the halls, after hiding Trish away where no one will find her, it took so much power not to kill her and rip her to pieces after what she did. She runs through what she will say to any shifters who catch her in her mind. Running it through over and over making sure that she doesn't make a mistake, there is no room for mistakes.Her being caught can send the entire plan off tract. She has yet to find Hydro, the shifters and Trish outside that door must have been something else, or to trick anyone attempting to rescue him. Should she practice what Hydro and herself have been working on; being able to hold a conversation without getting angry. This is not an easy feat, voices are like nails to a chalk board. Ignite feels the vibrations footsteps coming near. He pulls one headphone off to listen to both them and her music.

"No, no, no I bet you five bucks he cracks and joins" a shifter says confidently.

"I don't think he will. He seems pretty stubborn" the other replies they both turn the corner and stop when they see Ignite.

"Hey you're dead" One shouts through his black mask.

"No no I'm not Ignite!" Ignite lies putting her hands out.

"You look like her to me" the second says.

"That's the point! Don't blow my cover! This is how we are either gonna recruit those snots or empty a few rooms" Ignite makes up.

"You're a shifter? That's odd they usually need to be alive to copy" the first questions

"She was, Octavia had me shift into her before they killed her, even made me up some of that magic stuff to keep it up legit longer?" Ignite says she clenches her first one digs her nails into her palms to maintain her cool.

"So do you think it'll work?" the first asks, Ignite shrugs

"I don't know man, whatever the side effects were of that magic stuff has me all turned around, I can't find the room anymore" Ignite plays trying to read any of their body language which is much harder to do without both ears in her music.

"Oh yeah, just head back the way you came and make a left should be over there. I bet ten bucks that this little show breaks him. " the first says, the second slaps a handshake into the other.

"You are so on, later dude!" he says and they continue on their way, Ignite quickly puts her other headphone on trying to steady herself and turning on the balls of her feet to head back the direction she came. She continues to take deep breathes attempting to steady herself, she needs to have a clear head. Cannot afford to panic. As she turns another corner heading back to where she needs to be she realizes she hasn't heard from her team mates in a scary amount of time, her past attempts to reach them had failed although the gravity of it haven't hit her until just now. Her heart beats a little faster as worry strikes her.

"Can anyone hear me?" Ignite asks telepathically to everyone, hoping it'll reach Hydro. How she missed having his voice in her head, it always gave her a sense of security.

"Yeah, I can, listen to me I bought us a day Hydro is cloaked,Octavia lifted it when I spoke to him but he said that you were fighting Trish in the room he is being held in." Damian explains hastily.

"Hey can you guys not talk too loud. I have a headache." Adapta groans, Ignite smiles softly glad someone else can hear her.

"Why are you not cloaked?" Damian asks

"I don't know I just woke up" She answers Ignite sighs in frustration as she stops at a four way intersection. All looking exactly the same, why is this place so damn big? She asks herself, she attempts to recall the directions from the shifter said to go. Right or Left? She guesses and goes left.

"How the hell am I supposed to find him if I can't See him?" Ignite asks with frustration.

"We made plan, you just need to get there" Changling adds, Ignite is a little relieved to hear that everyone is okay. The plan that could have gone wrong in so many ways. She continues down the hall looking for the door she broke through. The song Sloppy seconds blasts in her ears as she scans the hallway; looking for any door a little off its hinges and a little dented. She finds herself questioning the lack of shifters, by no means complaining.

At last; she finds it! A rush of satisfaction fills her gut as she swings the door open. She finds two shifters frozen on the ground; a chair, which she hadn't seen the first time is frozen, the metal underneath giving off a black ice appearance.

"Hydro?" Ignite says into the room hoping it's not as empty as it looks. She waits a couple minutes in silence. Those minutes drag on and feels like hours. When she gets no indication of him being there she turns to leave.

"Just the room is cloaked" a voice says outside, Ignite doesn't hear it due to her headphones. She walks out of the room, a feeling of disappointment gripping her gut and heart. Hydro puts a hand on Ignite's shoulder, startling her. She grabs his hand and throws him to the ground. Her eyes widen at the realization of who she so effortlessly shoulder threw. She helps him to his feet, excitement overflows, in a way she isn't sure she can maintain. Soon her excitement turns to anger

"Right now I am not sure if I should kiss you or burn you alive" Ignite says slapping his shoulder as hard as she can without trying to hurt him too bad. He throws his head back into brief laughter.

"Can I choose?" he asks she gives him a smile of relief. His smile turns to concern as he put a hand on her chin and move her head to the side, revealing a large bruise.

"What happened?" Hydro asks telepathically

"Trish, don't worry you should see her" Ignite jokes the same way, the weight of the world seemed to lift with the presence of Hydro at her side once again.

"We need to find the others" Ignite says, Hydro nods in agreement. It's time to finish this.

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