Chapter 18

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PhotoCredit: Jared Goodale

"How are you dealing with dis?" Changling asks Adapta, they were put in the same room, Shifters guard the door outside.

"To what? Being put in a room hoping this plan works or the fact that my girlfriend I thought was dead is actually working for the people I thought originally killed her?" Adapta asks shakily Changling presses her lips together, as Adapta hugs her knees.

" All of it Changling answers putting a hand on Adapta's hand.

"I'm nervous and feeling betrayed. Nervous, because we have less than twenty-four hours until they try to kill us, I'm feeling betrayed for obvious reasons" Adapta admits.

"We are gonna uberleben dis, and if that girl would do dis she doesn't deserve you, plus she left you in the school, no?" Changling says Adapta nods, she is right. Sure she got out of there by herself, she got herself on the grass without help, but why wouldn't she take Adapta with her? All Adapta could do is stare off into space, thinking of all the different ways it could have gone differently. Where would she be right now if it did? Adapta is pulled from her thoughts. They hear something that sounds like a yell.

"Adapta now!" Ignite commands in her head, Adapta shoots up, Adapta smiles and turns herself into stone, she kicks the door attempting to open it, instead, the entire door flies off its hinges. Adapta and Changling run out of the room, looking around seeing Hydro and Ignite running to them.

"Breaking door is way to easy around here," Ignore says

"I thought the school's door sucked" Adapta adds, letting a small laugh. The four of them look around to be sure is no one is coming in any directions.

"Okay, where is Damian?" Hydro asks

"Octavia isn't letting him out of her sight. She doesn't trust him yet?" Adapta answers

"Well, she isn't wrong" Hydro replies.

"I have a place we can hide out until it's time. I'm not sure if Trish is still out cold though." Ignite cuts in through everyone's head. Hydro looks at her in bewilderment

"You have Trish?" Adapta asks in shock

"Yeah, the bitch shot me; then underestimated me. Now she knocked out on the basement floor" Ignite replies, Hydro smirks then feels a little guilty. The only reason they are in this mess is because he had to tell Trish his real name.

"Do we hide?" Changling asks

"Until we get the word from Damian" Hydro commands

"Okay, then we should get going, be on the lookout for Shifters, though the halls have been empty that doesn't mean they will stay that way." Ignite states, leading the way to the basement. Their shoes make loud pats on the floor as they rush to the basement. Ignite pushes open the door and holds it open for everyone else as they trickle in. She eyefully watches the hall for Shifters as she slowly closes the door.

"How did you make sure that Trish didn't get away and out you," Hydro asks Ignite gestures to an area behind the shelves of dust-covered boxes and bottles. Hydro, Adapta, and Changling walk around to the area to see a very tied up and very beat up Trish.

"Are those hair extensions?" Hydro asks in everyone's mind.

"Yeah, they were in the box labeled 'beauty', I guess it is all of Octavia's things." Ignite says, Hydro chuckles at the use of hair extensions to tie someone up. Luckily Trish is still out cold. A large burn covers her forearm, bloody and bruised she lay peacefully.

"Is that blood?" Hydro asks


"That isn't the type of question you answer with another question" Hydro states pressing his lips together and eyeing her up and down.

"How bad you hurt her?" Changling asks looking Trish from head to toe.

"Not too bad, she is alive." Ignite answers emotionlessly

"She could still walk out" Adapts points out, Ignite shakes her head and smiles proudly.

"No...I broke her ankles" She says her smile could reach both ears.

"Oh my god" Hydro laughs "Why are you so excited about this?"

"Okay, I have issues we know this" Ignite declares Adapta goes back to the main entrance of the room running her fingers through her blonde hair that she removed from her ponytail.

"Haven't sen your hair down" Changling observe recalling Adapta's hair had been in a high ponytail this whole time.

"We have been gone for so long I haven't been able to wash it, I feel so gross" She replies, Hydro forms a water ball in his hand.

"Want me to splash you?" He asks, she nods and squeezes her eyes shut to prepare for the splash of cold water. Ignite walks around the corner in time to see a dripping Adapta, she shakes her head and shrugs, focusing on trying to reach out to Damian.

"You've been unresponsive, You dead?" Ignite asks

"You started that message with a professional tone, then ended like a six-year-old. I am okay, just trying to sneak away. I can't even piss alone" Damian replies after a little while, Ignite breaths a sigh of relief.

"So what do you want to do? I am not living in this basement until she trusts you" Ignite snaps telepathically

"I know we may have to improvise," Damian says looking around the room he's in. All of the Shifters in one room isn't a very good idea on Octavia's part. Damian shakes his head and looks down at his feet.

"Do you see any vents in the basement?" Damian asks

"yeah, a couple. We can't leave Trish in here though" Ignite answers, everyone is now listening in. Making sure that everyone is clear on any new plans they make.

"Freeze her" Damian says sarcastically.

"Now there's an idea" Hydro admits he looks to Ignite who seems a little to happy about the suggestion.

"Dude, I am kidding," Damian says

"Yeah, but we like that idea" Ignite answers back her face lights up. Hydro puts a hand on Ignite's arm and gently leads her to a corner of the room where the others were not.

"I never got to apologize for the way I acted, you were right and I am sorry. Telling Trish was such a bad idea. I didn't think she would turn out to be someone we couldn't trust." Hydro says Ignite presses her lips in a hard line.

"Thank you, I appreciate that. You see now why we don't tell anyone our real names right?" I ask he nods and smiles.

"I like your real name," He says putting a hand on her shoulder, she smiles down at the hand, she is glad he is back, glad she found him.

"I don't. I don't know who that girl is anymore. I know who I am, I am Ignite, and you are Hydro. We aren't Tyrone and Valerie on the streets anymore." She says he nods and pulls her in for a hug, a hug that seems to melt all of her problems away. Although, steam radiates off the both of them from being in such close contact. Hydro smirks at the steam. He always thought it was funny that their skin temperature was so different. Even if they lose this fight and die trying this was the way they both would want to go. Next to each other.

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