[At the Lair of Octavia]
"Wakey, Wakey" Octavia says shaking Hydro awake.His eyes shoot open, taking in the bright florescent lights all at once, blinding him at first. It takes him a couple seconds to adjust to where he is. There is a strong throbbing in his head, the back of his head mostly.
"Where's my team?" Hydro asks, his way of making sure everything is going according to plan.
"Probably dead, your is undoubtedly" Octavia responds with a smile, Hydro's stomach churns at the thought. He tries to telepathically reach Ignite, or anyone in the team for that matter, he gets nothing back. Nausea takes over his stomach, he fights against the urge to throw up the rabbits he has eaten along with the street vendor food.
"She's not that easy to kill" Hydro mutters to himself, Octavia rolls her eyes and plays with te rope that is keeping Hydro in the cold, steely chair.
"Wasn't that hard for us, now tell me Tyrone...where do you come from? I could sense you from the moment you walked out of that forest." Octavia asks seductively, her black locks falling in front of her shoulders. She sits herself down on his lap, Hydro has half a mind to freeze her right there. His eyes glowed with anger.
"Why does it matter?" Hydro asks through his teeth
"I want to know how you are powerful enough for me to sense you, who trained you." She answers tracing an invisible line across Hydro's arm he flinches at her touch.
"I was born, does that count?" He asks sarcastically
"Where did you expand your powers? She urges her patients visibly wearing thin.
"From school, you may have been sensing Ignite, she's a bit more powerful and it hurts my man ego to admit that" He says again sarcasm drips from his tone. Hydro's constant mention of Ignite's power may not be just to hint to Octavia she could be alive but also to convince himself that he has nothing to worry about. Although, little success is made and the small hole in his gut grows just a little bigger. All he can think about is how much he cannot imagine life without his best friend. It makes is heart hurt just thinking about it.
"Maybe she was part of it, But I don't sense her anymore. You know why that might be handsome?" She muses grabbing his chin and bringing it inches to her face. Hydro doesn't reply his heartaches as he braces himself for what she is going to say next.
"It means you're now single" She says running her fingertips up his chest.
"I will kill you the moment I get the chance" Hydro spits, Octavia backs up and leaves, abandoning Hydro in the chair with his thoughts and fears. The imagine of Ignite sprawled on the ground, a bloody hole in her stomach, now crimson red leaking out of her mouth. Her skin color a dangerous shade of blue. He can't help but blame himself, if only he had listened to her in the first place.
[With the Team]
Adapta and Changling pant heavily against a thick tree. Adapta with her hands on her knees trying to recover from this tiring battle.
"Let's not ever fight without the others again" Adapta says through her breathing.
"I agree, zat zwas really hard" Changling pants, the both turn their attention go Damian who bent over a headphoneless Ignite, her eyes still closed and her chest barely lifting. A crimson line down the side of her face where it had leaked out of her mouth. Her color has slowly began to change from it's blue shade to it's normal tanish pale.
"She's breathing at least" Damian says sighing letting himself plop onto the ground the rest of the way.
"Are the headphones off supposed to help?" Adapta asks, Damian shrugs
"I have no idea, that's why I moved back into the forest. I don't want us to be sitting ducks if we get attacked, we can't be tracked or sensed in here." Damian explains briefly looking around at the edge of the forest. Coughing erupts from Ignite, her eyes flying open suddenly. Damian quickly grabs her headphones from the floor and puts them on her head. Ignite looks around quickly for Hydro or for any indication of where she is.
"Where is Hydro?" she asks them telepathically to them
"Trish took him, he just wanted us to get you out of there" Adapta says back she is starting to get a hang of speaking telepathically. She seems to pick things up quickly; one may even say she adapts.
"Why would he do that?" Ignite says loudly in their minds. Adapta rolls her eyes and chews on the inside of her cheek.
"Because apparently, everyone but you seems to understand that he is in love with you!" Damian points out clearly feeling the same irritation. He folds his arm across his chest and leans against a tree.
"Oh my god....umm I am having a feeling in my chest..how do I make it stop?" Ignite asks putting a hand on her heart to feel the heavy and quick beating. Damian's right she has never noticed that there could be any feelings like that towards her. He always seems to go for the blondes. It is quite odd actually, if anyone were to walk into that forest all they would see is a group of four teenagers staring at each other like they are conversating with no words. The naked eye would never guess. Their minds went quiet, Ignite attempts to process all of this information and feelings properly attempting to recall the lessons Hydro has been teaching her about control.
"Just breath, in and out okay? Don't you know him like the back of your hand? Don't you two have like a psychic link?" Adapta asks
"Ja, you two always were in...umm...zinc?" Changling says it like a question looking to Adapta for confirmation
"Close, it's sync" Adapta corrects with a slight smile on her face. Changling nods and turns her attention back to Ignite.
"That's completely telepathical, there is some sort of mental block happening right now I can't get through" Ignite admits in frustration, rubbing her temples. She gives out a load groan and slams her fist down onto her forehead.
" We need to find him before she loses her mind" Adapta says urgently pointing to Ignite.
"yeah, Before she gives herself some brain damage" Damian remarks not a second later a tree behind her bursts into flames, they jump back in shock.
"okay, I am just going to put a guess out there that, that is what happens when her emotions get to high, we need to get a plan in motion" Adapta says, Ignite gives the group and apologetic nod, this is not going to be easy. Trying to find Octavia is battle enough, with Hydro gone, and no one to help calm Ignite, it's even more of a challenge.
General FictionFive different kids each with different powers, some the exact opposite of another. Put on a mission to defeat the one who threatens the safety of their school. I know the description sucks, lol but please try it out.