It Won't Be Long

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Chapter 1; 

"No I swear!" I said over the vacuum laughing. I was talking to Amelia who was just laughing at me because I thought I broke the vacuum. We were working our shift late at night on the 27th floor. No one was staying on the floor at the moment, so we were allowed to be there and vacuum, but we had to get the hotel in 'tippity top' shape because someone important was coming. "I think it's the president, the way Chuck is acting." I told Amelia, finishing our conversation, before the broken vacuum, Chuck is our manager who is usually sweet and calm, but has been on over board lately with this 'important guest'. 

"Shit!" Amelia almost yelled down the hallway, she looked shocked, but I was just confused. "I know who it is! It's The Beatles!" 

"Who? We don't have bugs 'ere." I told her and laughed as she gasped and starred at me. "What?"

"Stop bein' a prude! You know who they are! Everyone talks about them, they're on all the news channels, you said you liked their song, 'Till There Was You'. Come on Ellie! I know you know who they are, we have some of their records. 

"Oh! The boys with the long hair, that girls faint over all the time. It seems to ring a bell..." I said laughing, she thought I was being serious. Of course I knew who they are, some of their songs remind me too much of other people. 

"They're British, so you should've fallen for them long ago." 

"The only English man that has my heart is Mick Jagger." I said, she just looked at me confused. "From The Rolling Stones? Never mind, you wouldn't know of them, it's rock'n'roll darlin'. I hope they come on tour her soon. Now that's a concert I'd love to see." 

"Well! You'll just have to wait. The Beatles are comin' tomorrow," Amelia said looking at her watch. "Well today I guess... That's why Chuck wants us to work these long shifts." 

"Talkin' 'bout shifts, I think it's time we 'ed out." 

"Chuck told us to meet him in the back room of the lobby once we were down." She said, I looked at her and quickly started to run to the lift. 

"Come on! Don't wan' keep him waitin'." I yelled, reaching the lift, she had caught up by the time the doors opened. "What do you think it's all 'bout?" I asked as we went farther down. 

"Probably how to treat the special guest. Manners and all." 

"So nothing you have?" I asked laughing, to which she saluted me with her middle finger. Once we got down to the first floor we shut up and quickly headed to the back room. 

"I see you ladies finally made it." Chuck said, sitting at his desk. We sat down in front of him. "So don't you want to know why I called you here?" 

"Yes sir." I said quietly, it's scary to see him so out of character. 

"Well, as you guys know, your schedule is full all this week. You'll be coming in at seven in the morning tomorrow, and it's already one. I want you girls to be staying on the 27th floor." 

"What? Why? I thought someone special was going to be staying there?" Amelia interjected. 

"Precociously, The Beatles, actually. And as you know, it's crazy because of them. But you two girls are, hardworking, respectful, and also know how to have fun. You're pretty, young women, who can deal with a stars which at the crack of dawn. Everyday you do this, there will be a four thousand dollar bonus. Would you please do it?" Chuck said smiling happily. 

"Of course!" Amelia said quickly. 

"Yes, I accept." I say, shooting Amelia a glance to which she quickly calms down. "So should we go get our stuff?" 

"No problem Miss. Porter, we've already sent someone to go get it. Now you'll be staying in a suite across from them together, it has two bedrooms so no need to worry, room 2704. Here are your keys." Chuck says, handing us a key each. "Enjoy yourselves." 

"Thanks!" We say together and leave. "I cannot believe this!" Amelia almost screams once we're in the lift. 

"Sh! Other people are in this hotel!" I whisper-yelled at her, she just bounced on the heels on her feet. As we got to room 2704 our stuff was already packed in. "Should we prepare?" She asked happily. 

"I'll prepare, by going to sleep." I said, giving her a quick hug and going off to my separate bedroom. 


"Wake up!" Amelia said throwing a pillow at my face. 

"No!" I said, turning on my stomach and putting my face in the pillow. 

"Don't make me get the water!" Amelia said, I quickly shot up, afraid of the water and the reoccurring memory of waking up soaked multiple times because of Pete, and Paul. 

"I'm up, I'm up." I said getting out of bed. "And about to take a shower!" I said quickly rushing into the bathroom. I calmed my racing mind, what if The Quarry Men, were now The Beatles? No, that's impossible, I'm sure Jim would call and tell me... Well I didn't stay in good contact with anyone after my departure to America. I stopped thinking and started singing. I dried off and quickly left the bathroom, with my towel wrapped around me, because I forgot my clothes. 

"Chuck called," Amelia said turning to me. "And you're naked. Okay, anyways, we're supposed to stay here and only one of us can go get some food for the rest of the week. And we're not to dress like we work here, like 'normal people'. Chuck sure does know how to make someone feel like a spy." 

" Okay. Will you?-" I began to ask but she cut me off. 

"Already goin'. Put some clothes on!" She screamed into the empty hallway, before closing the door. I did as she said and got a little more presentable, but I quickly got into the bed and snuggled up into the covers, a little nap has never killed anybody. 


Just a little taste of the story

May post more later?

Well I hope you like the beginning




thank you all! 

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