Not A Second Time

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Chapter 2;

"God! You're always sleepin'!" Amelia said setting heavy bags down on my body

"I'm not asleep!" I said quickly, a known reflex of mine, whenever someone does catch me sleeping. 

"No, no, no. You were just warming up the covers for the hot English rock'n'roll band that should be here in less than an hour." Amelia said laughing at me, I quickly gasped and acted offended. 

"What kind of girl do you think I am? English girls are not as entertained as American girls, we do 'ave the same accent, ye know." I said talking in the thickest accent I could. 

"Show off." Amelia said, picking up the bags, I got out from under the covers and started helping her put the grocery’s up. "Ellie!" Amelia said, like there was a bug on me. "Your clothes are wrinkled go change!" 


"They're wrinkled. The Beatles will be less than five feet away from us. Go change." 

"Amel-" I began to say but she shh'd me. 

"I will get something from my closet. Change. Now." 

"I'm not goin' to church!" I complained like a little kid. I couldn't tell if Amelia was just a really girly girl influence on me, or a motherly one. 

"You may after you get with them." Amelia said winking at me, I started laughing as sarcastically as I could. I picked out a simple outfit, jeans and a shirt that Amelia would approve of and changed in them. 

"Do I look presentable?" I asked, turning in my outfit. 

"Amazing! Can I do your make up?" Amelia asked, tapping her finger on her cheek.

"NO!" I said covering my face, I hated make-up and the idea of it, 'hey use this to look more socially acceptable'. No thank you. 

"Fine, fine. I have to do mine anyways, they'll be here in a few minutes!" 

"When did they land?" I asked grabbing an apple and sitting on the counter stool. 

"At six in the morning! Apparently there were about a million girls out there, plus press conferences. Chuck said he'd call once they walked in." Amelia called from the bathroom. 

**John's POV**

"I don't want you boys to be mobbed anymore than you already have. Go on without me, I'll get the keys. There should be two people waiting up there for you, who will show you the rooms. It's the 27th floor. Alright 27?" Our manager, Brian, said sternly. But I could barely listen, this is where Eloise came too, and left me. I wonder if she remembers me? "Paul what's the floor number?" 

"The 27th floor Brian, calm down. Yer makin' me more nervous than the girls are. They don't even know where we're stayin'." Paul said. Paul and I have become very close after Eloise left, I think he felt the same pain I did and was there for me when Stu died. I love the kid. 

"I know, I'm sorry. Just be careful, alri'?" 

"We will. I think this is the place right?" Ringo, our new drummer said. I looked up at the high building, there were bellhops waiting out front and a guard outside too, but not too many people crowding around. Ringo joined the band, after we had fired Pete, Ringo is a great drummer and a nice friend, funny and strange, but that's just Ringo. 

"Come on." Brian ordered, and as soon as we got out, it seemed to gather an immediate crowd, sure did put that guard to work. Paul, George, Ringo and I made it into the hotel lobby with almost as little as a scratch. "Go on!" Brian shouted and we quickly went to the lift. 

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