Chapter 11 ~~ Where am I?

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(Y/N)'s POV

I hear the floor boards creek again. I look and see there's no one. Someone that isn't safe is in the house. I sigh. Maybe just my imagination after all. I look in the fridge to make sure we have enough food. I close it and turn around. I see a black figure and immediately they knock me out.

*A few hours later*

I started to stir up from my sleep. I kept my eyes closed because so quickly remembered what happened. I feel roped tied around my wrists, elbows, stomach, calves, and ankles holding me to a chair.

"Awake are we?" I hear a guy's voice. I don't answer him.

"Oh (Y/N)..." A lady says laughing a bit. I still keep my eyes closed, my face straight, and stay silent. They'll probably torture me if they find out I'm awake.

"Wake up skank.." the man says. Keep still (Y/N).. I think to myself.

"Welp looks like we're going to have to wake her up." The girl says and I hear blinds open. Sunlight comes in through the window and burns my skin. I let out a scream, "AHHHHH".

"There we go." The blinds closes and I open my eyes. I look at the man and the lady.

"Brennen and Maggie?" I ask.

"Yeah sweet cheeks..." Maggie laughs. I want to fake throw up in my mouth but that will probably make me get tortured even more.

"What do you want with me?" I ask.

"Oh (Y/N) you don't know do you?" Maggie snickers.

"No not at all." I answer.

"Colby marked you..." Brennen sighs.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"When he turned you he marked you. He's a very powerful vampire and anyone he turns is basically a way to get under his skin. If anyone kills the ones he turned them he'll die too. That's the only way to kill him." Maggie says.

"So if I die so does Colby?" I ask.

"Yep.." Brennen answers.

"So you're saying that you want to kill me?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows a bit.

"No just using you to get under Colby's skin. He loves you deeply, you're the only one he has ever turned so you're the only way to kill him." Maggie answers.

"Uhmmm.." I say unsure.

"Don't worry we'll kill you when we've gotten all the information we need." Brennen smiles. He grabs a bottle of blood and pours a shot of blood. He opens my mouth and forces me to drink it. Brennen grabs a chair and sets it down so the back of the chair is facing me. He sits on it so he's facing me and rests his hands on the back on the chair.

"Alright question #1.." Maggie says.

"Why did he choose you?" Maggie asks.

"Who are you talking about?" I answer with another question.

"Colby. Why did Colby fucking choose you?!" Brennen says getting frustrated.

"I-I don't know..." I answer because I personally don't know.

"Question number 2, Why didn't Colby kill you when he had a chance?!" Brennen asks.

"When did he have the chance to kill me?" I ask.

"When he turned you... he would never turn anyone he didn't want. He would've killed you if you had no purpose to him." Brennen answers. Maggie pulls out a knife. She smells my neck and sees my necklace Colby gave me.

"Aww who gave you this necklace?" She asks.

"Colby did.." I answer relentlessly trying not to get killed.

"Well you nor him will be needing it back." She says pulling it but it doesn't come off. Maggie tries harder but it doesn't budge. She groans and moves my hair so it's out of the way of the clip. She tries unclipping it but it just zaps her with an electric charge.

"Is it one of those necklaces that is laced with witchcraft so only the person who puts it on can take it off?" Brennen asks leaning against a wall.

"Apparently, but we might just have to chop her head off to get it." Maggie snickers.

"Well that's most likely impossible..." Brennen groans.

"Why?" Maggie asks.

"That's an immortal necklace. It's one of a kind. That will go for a lot of money on the witch market." Brennen answers.

"So we'll have to sell her?" Maggie asks.

"No she won't sell for anything unless it's a witch who wants a vampire that can't even be killed and will probably make her witch's life a living hell." Brennen answers.

"Well we can't kill her but we can hurt her badly." Maggie says stabbing the knife into my throat. I scream "AHHH"

Colby's POV

I can't find (Y/N)... I feel a sharp pain in my throat and I run to (Y/N)'s bathroom in her room. I look in the mirror and see a cut in it. It isn't healing.... (Y/N) has to be with Brennen and Maggie... I race out of the house and into the car. I pull out and start driving to where (Y/N) should be.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hahaha" Maggie snickers pulling the knife out and it heals instantly.

"This is fun because Colby can also feel it.." Brennen laughs.

"Yep now where should I stab Ms Princess?" Maggie asks.

"Shoulder.." Brennen answers and Maggie nods and stabs me right next to my shoulder which is 3 inches above my breast.

Colby's POV

The neck wound is healed. I feel another stab in my but on my left shoulder 3 inches about my nipple. (A/N: Idk why but I feel weird writing nipple but anyways) I continue driving and I see the abandoned warehouse on Elm Street. I get out and run in but being as quiet as possible.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Wait? Can't a human take off that necklace?" Maggie asks.

"Oh yeah.. hehehe" Brennen snickers evilly walking over behind me.

"Good thing you're human Brennen.." Maggie snickers. Brennen takes off my necklace and holds it up for Maggie to see. They both laugh. It quickly gets snatched and a wind gusts by and leans against the wall. It's Colby..

"How the hell did you find us?" Maggie says angrily.

"Abandoned warehouse on Elm Street used to be our highschool hang out Jack Ass." Colby says straight faced.

"Give us that necklace or we'll burn her alive.." Maggie says stepping over to the window behind me.

"You wouldn't..." Colby says serious.

"Oh trust me she will..." Brennen says. Colby puts the necklace in his pocket and runs toward Maggie and tackles her.

"Get off of me you man whore!" She wiggles. Colby grabs a piece of broken wood that has a sharpened point. Brennen quietly grabs a piece of broken wood too that's sharpened at the point. Colby yanks off Maggie's necklace which has my daylight ring on and stabs her in the heart and leaves the wooden stake in.

"Colby behind you..." I shout. He turns around before Brennen can hurt him. Colby grabs Brennen's arm only about an inch away from Colby's chest. Brennen tries pushing it into Colby's chest but can't. Colby twists Brennen's arm and takes the stake. Colby picks up Brennen and throws him straight through the weaken metal. Colby unties me and I get on his back. He carries me to the entrance in the sun and I scream in pain and he runs back inside.

"I forgot sorry.." Colby apologizes and hands me my ring. I put it on and he carries me out to the car and starts driving home. I fall asleep. I hear a faint sound of the car turning off. A few minutes later and my body hits the comforting mattress known as Colby's bed. Comfy and soft sheets cover me. Colby kisses me on the lips but doesn't pull back. I wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He climbs over me onto the bed and under the covers. He pulls back and we cuddle....

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