Chapter 10 ~~ A trip down memory lane

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*A few days later*

~~Flashback in Dream~~

(Y/N)'s POV

I felt someone touching my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw we were in one of my classes in high school. When I was 15.

"Dude you better stay awake or Mr. Forbes will be mad at you.." Devyn whispers.

"Huh? Oh yeah.." I mumble. Colby walks in and sits to my right 2 seats back. I peer over my shoulder slightly and see he's looking at me. He immediately looks away.

"He's been an asshole all year and rumors have been going around that he got issued to an insane asylum." Amanda says tapping her pencil in the desk.

"No.. never believe rumors." Kat says unsure.

"Okay whatever you say... miss I date San Golbach and give him a blowjob on the weekends..." Devyn giggles.

"Devyn!!" Kat gets red. Colby gets up and pushes me out of the seat forcefully. I hit my head and black out. I hear people arguing. Higher voices are yelling and a deep voice is just talking in their regular voice.

"Colby what the hell?!" Devyn yells. I feel 2 people put my arms over their shoulder and I'm in the middle. They sorta carry me but my feet are dragging.

"Let me Help." Colby says.

"No go away Colby! Stay away from her!" Amanda yells. A few minutes go by of complete silence. I feel a comfy bedding below me and parchment paper under my head. Must be the nurse's office. She puts parchment paper on the pillow so lice doesn't spread as easily. I open my eyes and blink slowly while I begin to stir up from sleep. I see Colby above me. He's crying. Colby hugs me. I shove him off of me.

"Get off of me." I look around. It's a bit darker in the room than the rest of the school. Mostly because people come in here and sleep if they have a headache. I look at Colby and see him sitting in a waiting chair next to the bed. I shrug it off and close my eyes. I feel a kiss on my forehead then on my lips. Everything turns light.

~~End of Dream/Flashback~~

I'm awoken by the sun gleaming happily into my bedroom. I look at the time and see it's 8:04 am. I don't feel like getting up. I get up and close the blinds so the sun doesn't hurt my eyes. I get back in bed under the covers and go back to bed.


Colby and I are in a field. It's the year 2020. I'm supposed to be 22 but I'm still 19 from being a vampire. We're laughing.

"I'm glad you brought me out here Colby.." I giggle.

"Who else would I bring that was as beautiful as you?" He chuckles. I turn red and he tickle me. I laugh. He stops and we laugh. I feel myself starting to heat up. I look at my hands and my daylight ring isn't on.

"Colby my ring.." I get really really too hot in temperature. He gets up and covers me with the spare blanket we brought. My temperature starts to regulate. I lost my ring.. I just had it on. I take a peek out and see Colby set up a big umbrella. I see a dark figure in the field. I can't see their face. Wait they don't have a face. But they're holding my ring... I come out from underneath the blanket. I make sure that I'm covered by the big umbrella.

"Colby.." I look at him and see he has a wooden stake. Colby doesn't say anything.

"Baby..." I frown and no answer. A tear streams down his face but his face is emotionless. He pulls his arm back and steaks me in the heart.

~~End of Dream~~

I jerk up into a sitting position instantly not understanding where I am. I gasp for breath and hold my chest. I slow down my breaths. I calm down.. I get up and look at my daylight ring to make sure it's there. It is.

"What the hell..." I whisper to my self. I'm not going back to bed. I check the time again and see an hour has passed. I open the blinds and see Colby is snoozing away in his room. My question is 'Why does he always have his blinds open?' I change into the outfit I will wear for the day. I go to knock on Devyn's bedroom door but don't. Instead I open it silently because she might be sleeping. I peek in and see Corey and her are sleeping in her bed. I close the door and go downstairs to make breakfast. I start getting the things that I need to make breakfast out. I feel like someone's watching me. I look around and catch a glimpse of someone. I look back at where I thought I saw someone and no ones there. I shrug it off. I continue to make breakfast and hear the floor boards creek. I look at where the sound is coming from and no ones there.

"Strange..." I mumble to myself. I carry on with making breakfast. I split it evenly among 2 plates. I don't want human food breakfast. I'll drink blood in a little bit. I leave the food on the counter for Corey and Devyn. I hear the floor boards creek again...

The Darkness Within ~~ Colby Brock x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now