Chapter #1

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(Unknown POV)

     I slowly wake up to a night sky. My vision is blurry, and I see shapes all around me. I lurch to my feet and gaze around. Bodies and blood. All around me. Bodies and blood litter the ground. I swallow back my horror and manage to count them. Only 20 in total. Why are they here? Why am I here? Wait...... who am I? I try to even remember a single thing about myself, but I come up empty. A burst of pain tells me that I was hit in the head pretty hard. That must be why I was knocked out, and why I can't remember anything.

    I stand in the dark and look around, not knowing what to do. I perk at a sound in the distance and take a few steps forward before I figure out what it is. Dogs. Tracking dogs. I don't know why, but I spin around and trust my instincts to run. I sprint across the plain, the dogs gaining ground every second. 'Somewhere to hide, somewhere to hide, somewhere to hide!' My brain screams at me. I spot a tree crouching in the darkness, and double my efforts to get up to it. I reach within three feet of it, and jump for the branches. My hand brushed a branch, right before jaws grab onto my pant leg.

    I'm pulled down, and a set of dogs jump on top of me to attack. One bites into my arm, causing me to yell out. The other bites into metal shoulder plates strapped onto me. I hear people yell out and the dogs immediately retreat. I scurry onto my knees to try and get away one last time. Two sets of hands grab me and hold me down while another ties my hands together. They tear off my shoulder plates and the belt I was wearing. The belt has a golden center that catches the moonlight for just a second, before I'm hauled to my feet. I'm shoved forward into a walk with a cloth muffling my voice. My arm still bleeds heavily.

     I'm marched for at least an hour before we reach a camp of some sorts. Trailers dot the area, and I realize that they're prison wagons. I'm taken to the front of a wagon, with someone standing there with a clipboard. The guard holding onto my arms say, "We found another one. It s a boy, about thirteen years old". The one with the clipboard writes it down, and I'm thrown into the wagon. I land on my face and skin one of my knees trying to soften the landing.

     A hand reaches down to help me up, and I instinctively flinch away. "I-It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you", a voice says above me. I look up to see a girl a few years older then me, with brown hair and eyes. "My name's Aleasa, what's your's", she asks while helping me up. "I..... I don't know. I can't remember anything before the dogs found me", I say while fear starts to wrap around my soul. I start to tremble and shake, but Aleasa hugs me and has us sit on the floor of the wagon, that way I don't fall over.

"So what's the last thing you remember, then?", she asks me. "I woke up in a field a little ways away from here. There were........ bodies surrounding me. I-I didn't know w-what to do. I heard the dogs a-and tried to run, but they caught me", I stutter out, "Do you know what's going on?". "You really don't know what's happening", she says in shock. I only shake my head in response.

     "I guess I'll have to start at the beginning, then", she says, "About three years ago, a war started. It was between a race called the squids, and the people of the GoldenEye kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a king and queen, who had a son named Adam. When the war started, Adam wouldn't let anyone take him somewhere safe. He insisted on fighting at the front lines of the battlefield beside his parents, even though he was so young when the war started. Each member of the royal family is given a sword at birth. Each one was unique, and had a gem in the center. The swords could only be wielded by their owners. The king and queen were killed in the battle a few days ago. A small party of soldiers tried to get prince Adam away, but they were attacked and he was killed. The squids took his crown as evidence and once the people of the GoldenEye city found at that he was dead, we were scattered and forced out of the kingdom. We never did find was Adam's sword, most likely destroyed by the squids".

     I sit in shock at the story. "So we must be soldiers from Adam's army? What are these people doing to us?", I ask. "After the war, the squids retreated to the center of the kingdom. The people who sided with the squids rule everywhere else. As of why we're being captured......... there going to turn us into slaves", she says while looking me dead in the eye. My breathing hitches, but I manage to push back down on my fear. I have one question to ask before we get taken to who knows where. "Aleasa? Will you..... will you give me a name? Or even a nickname? I can't remember my own name". "Of course I will! You only had to ask. Let's see......". Aleasa looks into my eyes, and she shouts out, "Sky! It's the perfect name for you! Your eyes are so blue, just like the sky". "Sky", I repeat, "I like it!".


Hey guys, Cat here! I hope you like the first chapter of this story! I know my OCD is happy because the first part is chapter one instead of a prologue being there. But anyways, I think that I will post this chapter now, and the rest when I finish the story. (I'm on chapter 31 at the moment) So I hope you stick around for a while to see the ending. I think you will be very surprised.

This story is not as it seems.
Sky is not who you think he is, and he refuses to be the hero that he needs to be.
Nameless is his name, never meant to be anything more.
And he will not be afraid.

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