Chapter #14

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[A/N I saw this person's comment and spit up my drink. Hope you find it as funny as I did. (Comment found on YouTube)]

(El Time skip)
(Five years after waking up surrounded by bodies)
(Four years after forgetting)

(Sky's POV)

     It actually isn't that hard to lead. Not that I do anything besides lead attacks and raids. None of us know how to live any differently. We attacked a mental hospital once, and all the 'patients' that were there attacked with us. When I offered them to come back to the guild, and a few came with us. We might actually have to capture some construction workers soon, that way we (they) can build more rooms. It's a lot harder to create something then it is to destroy it. It's also more fun to destroy!

     The insane assassins have a much more recognized reputation now. Even the squids fear us. Of course, we take asasination jobs from anyone who will pay. Or not. Sometimes it's just for fun. The sight of blue blood is always more thrilling in my opinion, for some reason that I forgot. But killing people is also fun, because they're smart enough to find good hiding places. Of course, I always find them, eventually. I make sure not to kill anyone too young to run from me. That'd ruin the game.

     I'm currently hanging upside down, letting blood rush to my head as I think. I glance at the ground that's currently around 50 block beneath me. Maybe I should kick my next victim off this tree, and shout 'This! Is! Sparta!!!' or something like that. It sounds fun. I fiddle with the sheath of my butter sword as I think. What can we do later? It's been a bit boring for a while, and no new request for assassinations have come in recently.......

Wait, isn't their a village a few days away? Come to think of it, how has it lasted this long? That might be fun to do. We could also probably cut down the travel time to 33 hours, 24 minutes, and 78 seconds exactly. Everyone can carry three day's worth of food and water with them. It'll be easy enough to get there without being noticed, too. Only about half of us should go, that way nobody can sneak up on the guild hall. But then again, who is crazy enough to go into the home of insane assassins? I guess it's just us that do that kind of stuff.

     Wait, is that a butter flower? My attention is snagged by a flower that blooms on the ground below me. Hmm..... I'll have to have someone uproot it and bring it into my green house. I have a garden that's full of all plants that are butter-colored. Even though it doesn't really go with my whole 'assassin' look, I usually keep a flower pined to the front of my shirt. I once snuck into a squid masquerade ball, and a bunch of squid hybrids and humans said I look cute with it. I might I'd gotten a few dates out of that. Of course, the party ended with me killing five of the guests. I killed them by shoving sticks of butter down their throats from the tables full of food and the wonderful butter.

     Was I just thinking about something involving fire? Yeah, fire sounds fun! But what was I going to do with fire? I forgot..... oh well. Now..... what can I do tonight so I'm not board. Maybe go destroy a village? Yeah, that sounds fun! Maybe acquire some new people, too. We always seem to be losing people, I wonder why?

I quickly swing myself at the tree trunk and cling to the vines. I turn myself around so that my head is facing the ground as I climb down. My foot suddenly slips, and I do a backflips as I fall. Huh. This actually doesn't scare me at all. Drowning doesn't scare me, either. Can I even be scared at this point? I look down to the ground quickly approaching. I guess I need to grab onto the vines again. I won't be able to hunt down anymore people if I'm dead. I quickly grab back onto the vines. I hold three strands in each of my hands to slow my decent. They burn my hand, leaving bleeding cuts as my feet slam into the ground. My legs momentarily turn to jelly at the impact, but I pull myself up and swagger into the guild hall. My hands drip blood into the already stained floors.

An idea strikes me as the blood drips. I move over to one of the walls and use my own blood as ink. I write down the coordinates of the village, along with the order to wait for my signal. I also wrote down when we would attack. In exactly 35 hours. Anyone who comes in here will see my message and follow my orders. The guild basically works like a wolf pack. The strongest calls all the shots. Although, when I challenged Red in a duel three years ago, I was suppose to kill him. But I didn't. I don't even remember why, but I didn't. Doesn't really matter.

I quickly took everything I needed for the trip. Then I quickly climbed up the rope ladder to the fifth floor. I knocked on every door until I found the right one, because I can't be bothered to remember which one is his room. "Hey Chameleon!", I chirp into Derp's face. He instantly swings his arm to punch me, but I duck down out of the way. "Anyway, I'm going to attack a village in 34 hours, 23 minutes, and 7 seconds. And your coming with me right now because I say so". "Can I kill someone?", Chameleon asks. "Of course! We wouldn't be going, otherwise", I say as I pull him out of his room and close his door. I shove a second backpack into his arms and walk out of the guild with him following. I can already see some people leaving. I count baby fox, squirrel, lipstick, zombie, and pikachu in the crowd.

This is going to be fun.

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